Am 29.08.2014 um 03:40 schrieb Izumi Natsuka: > Hello, I'm going to write a shell function that provides a basic > functionality(print the content of a file or stdin) of cat[0], in > order to avoid forking too many process when I call it in a loop[1]. I try to avoid cat alltogether, as many uses belong to the "Useless use of cat" category, like this one: > > $ cat archlinux-2012.09.07-dual.iso | wc -c > 39 Could also be "wc -c archlinux-2012.09.07-dual.iso". Results in mostly cat-free shell scripts (I like dog(s) more, anyway ;-) ) HTH... Dirk -- *Dirk Heinrichs*, Senior Systems Engineer, Engineering Solutions *Recommind GmbH*, Von-Liebig-Straße 1, 53359 Rheinbach *Tel*: +49 2226 1596666 (Ansage) 1149 *Email*: *Skype*: dirk.heinrichs.recommind