Hmm. that's not doing it. I'm probably doing something wrong in zshrc. Here's my zshrc: ================== # customize zsh behaviour # autoload -U colors autoload -U compinit colors stty susp ^Z stty erase ^H # setopt ALLEXPORT setopt ALWAYSLASTPROMPT setopt ALWAYSTOEND setopt APPENDHISTORY setopt AUTOCD setopt AUTOLIST setopt AUTOMENU setopt AUTOMENU setopt AUTOPARAMKEYS setopt AUTOPUSHD setopt AUTOREMOVESLASH setopt COMPLETEINWORD setopt CORRECTALL setopt EXTENDEDGLOB setopt HISTIGNOREDUPS setopt HISTNOSTORE setopt HISTIGNORESPACE setopt IGNOREEOF setopt LISTAMBIGUOUS setopt LISTTYPES setopt MARKDIRS setopt MONITOR setopt NOBEEP setopt NOCLOBBER setopt NOHUP setopt NOLISTBEEP setopt NUMERICGLOBSORT setopt PUSHDMINUS setopt PUSHDSILENT setopt PUSHDTOHOME setopt PUSHD_IGNORE_DUPS # export EDITOR='vi -u NONE' export FCEDIT='vi -u NONE' export PROMPT='%h> ' export PROMPT2='%_> ' export RPROMPT='%B%2C%b' export CYGWIN=nontsec export DIRSTACKSIZE=10 export PATH="$PATH":"/cygdrive/c/PROGRA~1/Vim/vim64" export PRINTER='HP LaserJet 5/5M PostScript' export HISTSIZE=1000 export HISTFILE=/home/Jose/.zsh_history export SAVEHIST=1000 export SHELL=zsh # # # customize completion # compctl -g '*.gz' + gunzip compctl -g '*.tar' + tar compctl -j -P "%" + kill fg disown compctl -g '*(-/)' cd compctl -g '*(^/)' + less compctl -g '*(^/)' + gvim compctl -g '*(^/)' + v compctl -g '*zip' + unzip zip zipinfo zipgrep zipcloak zipnote zipsplit compctl -o setopt unsetopt # bind some keystrokes. Makes it emacs compatible # bindkey -v bindkey '\CX' execute-named-cmd bindkey '\CO' push-line-or-edit bindkey '\CS' history-incremental-search-forward # bindkey '' beginning-of-line bindkey '' beginning-of-line-hist bindkey '' end-of-line-hist bindkey '' copy-prev-word bindkey ' ' kill-line bindkey '' insert-last-word bindkey '' history-incremental-search-backward bindkey 'OA' up-line-or-search bindkey 'OB' down-line-or-search bindkey '' up-line-or-search bindkey '' down-line-or-search zmodload zsh/stat zmodload zsh/complist ================= On 3/3/06, Peter Stephenson wrote: > > "sam reckoner" wrote: > > My understanding from reading the user's guide is that there is a way to > > cursor-navigate the listed completions. However, I can't figure out how > to > > get this to work. > > If you're using the new completion system (with compinit) you can set: > > zstyle ':completion:*' menu select > > The instructions are buried in the entry for the menu style in the > zshcompsys manual page. > > -- > Peter Stephenson > Web page still at >