On 01/06/2018 03:45 PM, Ray Andrews wrote: > What I want to do is pretty esoteric, if I execute my command " c 12 " I > want focus to jump to xterm #12 (which already works fine) but also 'cd' > xterm #12 to the current directory in the xterm I just jumped from. I'd like to know more about how you're changing the focus of the windows. Would you please share? > Of course any sort of 'cd' command in the same function but after the > jump continues to be executed in the original xterm, thus I'll want > some way of detecting the change in focus. It's smartassy but should be > educational to fool around with. I've done something (I think is) similar to what you're wanting to do via xdotool sending key strokes to other windows. Window 1 had a proprietary Python program running with a readline macro defined do perform some actions. Window 2 had a "while :; do xdotool ; sleep 60; done" loop running. Window 3 had a "sleep 72000; xdotool " running. I know that it's not the most graceful, but it did what I wanted it to do. The point being that I was able to use the xdotool to send keyboard commands from one window into a different window. - Which sounds adjacent to what you're wanting your source xterm to do to xterm #12. Granted, I don't know how to set up the targeting of xdotool in your scenario. (I used xwininfo to get the Window IDs of window #1 & #2 and manually put the values on the xdotool command lines in windows #2 & #3 respectively.) But I suspect that can be worked out. -- Grant. . . . unix || die