2011/3/30 Bart Schaefer > On Mar 30, 2:09pm, Simon Mages wrote: > } > } I have to transfer archives from many Solaris 10 Machines to one of them. > I > } can't use FTP, NFS or Netcat because they are not installed or blocked > and > } SCP (SFTP) is to slow. > > If SFTP is too slow, you're not likely to write a shell script that > outperforms it enough to make any useful difference. Have you checked > whether rsync will work? That'd be your most efficient option. > > What is it you were hoping to do? Set up your own service listening on > a port on one machine and connect to it from another? That's done with > the tcp_point and tcp_shoot commands; run tcp_point on the destination > machine and then tcp_shoot on the source machine. There's an example > of this in the documentation. "sum" or "md5sum" the files on both > sides after transfer to make sure nothing was lost or corrupted. > > However, if you can set up tcp_point on an open port on the target > machine, you ought to be able to set up an rsync daemon instead, and > that'll be much more reliable and probably a lot faster. > > Failing that, I'd recommend instead that you create an account on one of > the cloud-based file-sharing services like dropbox.com or the recently- > announced Amazon cloud drive or even Amazon S3. Push the archives there > and then pull them down to the target. Yes, this theoretically takes > twice as long as direct transfer but should be reliable and possibly > automatic (hmm, I don't know if e.g. dropbox has a Solaris client). > Oh thanks, i over read tcp_point and tcp_shoot, it is working for me. The Reason why i try to use the ZSH is that im not allowed to change the setup of the Machines or activate a Daemon or something. But zsh is installed and full usable. And this cloud thing is not practicable because this Machines haven't a Internet Connection. BR Simon