I just noticed a typo in my problem description below. I meant to say: if I `cd' to c:/ then both the following work: $ ls WIN completes to WINDOWS/ $ ls win completes to WINDOWS/ That is, it works when not using the drive letter as the path prefix. I've also checked the same problem arises after `zsh -f' and running the following: zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}' autoload -U compinit compinit -C I've also just noticed that these work: $ ls C:/WIN completes to C:/WINDOWS/ $ ls C:/win completes to C:/WINDOWS/ .. but these fail: $ ls c:/WIN $ ls c:/win That is, the completion works when the drive letter is uppercase, but not when it is lowercase. --- John > _____________________________________________ > From: John Cooper > Sent: 22 March 2004 10:14 > To: zsh-users@sunsite.dk > Cc: John Cooper > Subject: Problem with case-insensitive completion with zsh compiled > for cygwin > > [I'm using zsh 4.2.0, compiled under a recent cygwin.] > > By default I am able to complete files using the drive letter as a prefix, > e.g., > $ ls c:/WIN completes to c:/WINDOWS/ > > However, if I enable case insensitive completion with the following: > > zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}' > > .. Then completion on paths starting with a drive letter no longer works: > $ ls c:/WIN fails to complete > > However, if I `cd' to c:/ then both the following work: > > $ ls c:/WIN completes to c:/WINDOWS/ > $ ls c:/win completes to c:/WINDOWS/ > > Any idea how to get this working again when the path starts with a drive > letter? > > > Thanks, > > --- John >