DISCLAIMER: this is my first email to zsh-users, be gentle :D Hi, I'm a collaborator within the oh-my-zsh project. One of our users[1] has two boxes where he connects via ssh, both at Digital Ocean, that crash whenever this code runs: autoload colors && colors We've separated the statement, and we see that it crashes on `colors'. But since the function is autoloaded, we can't know what will run before we run it: $ autoload -t colors $ which colors colors () { # undefined # traced builtin autoload -Xt } $ colors colors:3: fatal error: out of memory Connection to server closed. We tried using the `autoload +X` construct to force loading the definition of the function so we can see what's wrong with it, but that also run out of memory.[2] We also tried sourcing directly the officially provided colors file from /usr/share/zsh/functions/Misc/colors, and colors worked fine. Is there any way to find out where zsh is sourcing the colors definition from, or is this a bug in itself? Any response will be appreciated. Thanks! [1] https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/issues/1815 [2] https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/issues/1815#issuecomment-50936620 -- Marc