Hey again, I have a problem that i hope can be solved with `zstyle` somehow: I want to make it so that when i complete external commands, zsh gives me the possibilities from one particular directory ahead of (and ideally separate from) all the others. Seems like the most reasonable way to do that might be to create some kind of sub-group that i can put up top with `zstyle ... group-order` or whatever? Here's a contrived illustration of what i mean: Given a PATH like this: % print $PATH /bin1:/bin2 And executables spread across that PATH like this: % ls /bin1 /bin2 /bin1: foo1 foo2 /bin2: foo3 foo4 My current completion behaviour looks like this: % foo completing external command: foo1 foo2 foo3 foo4 What i *want* is to pull the /bin2 possibilities out into their own group so i can have them completed first — so i'd have something like this: % foo completing favoured external command: foo3 foo4 completing external command: foo1 foo2 Is there an easy way to do this? Cheers! dana