Hi Ray,(Sorry if you get this twice, forgot to send to list the first time.) On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 10:53 PM, Ray Andrews wrote: > On 13/08/17 08:20 PM, Bart Schaefer wrote: > >> With PATH_DIRS set, you can run ". myscript" >> with or without that executable permission on the file (it need only be >> readable). >> > > Then how do I get these results?: > > /aWorking/Zsh/Source 3$ unsetopt pathdirs # This directory is not > on the path > > /aWorking/Zsh/Source 3$ chmod -x ../System/somescript # Referring > here to somescript which is on the path. > > > snip ... > > ... what am I doing wrong Nothing, as far as I can tell. I believe it is your point of view what PATH_DIRS is doing. As long as "somescript" is in your PATH, I don't believe PATH_DIRS is doing much if anything. Try the following to understand what PATH_DIRS can do: mkdir ../System/Subdir mv ../System/somescript ../System/Subdir unsetopt pathdirs . Subdir/somescript # script should not run setopt pathdirs . Subdir/somescript # should see output from script I believe from reading the man page, this is what PATH_DIRS is intended to do. As Bart said, it *uses* PATH. If you +x somescript you can just type: Subdir/somescript At least this is how I interpreted what PATH_DIRS, as defined in the man page, does. "Perform a path search even on command names with slashes in them." Maybe it should say, "In addition to the normal path search, preform a path search on command names with slashes in them." Maybe I'm missing some other case use. Hope this helps. Jim