Bart, thanks for your help I've tried to use the passthrough example from the keymap+widget tip you gave on the other thread: ```zsh autoload keymap+widget keymap+widget bindkey -N newkeymap main recursive-edit-and-accept() { local -a __accepted zle -N newkeymap+accept-line end-recursive-edit zle recursive-edit -K newkeymap || zle send-break if [[ ${__accepted[0]} != end-recursive-edit ]] then zle "${__accepted[@]}"; return else return 0 fi } zle -N recursive-edit-and-accept end-recursive-edit() { __accepted=($WIDGET ${=NUMERIC:+-n $NUMERIC} "$@") zle .accept-line return 0 } zle-line-init() { zle recursive-edit-and-accept } zle -N zle-line-init ``` This works when I press enter(accept-line) but for ctrl+c I still need to press two times to restart zle. If I bind 'recursive-edit-and-accept to a key and activate it outside zle-line-init, everything works as expected. It seems 'zle send-break' doesn't work when called from zle-line-init, maybe some protection added against the following case: ```zsh zle-line-init() { zle send-break } zle -N zle-line-init ``` Do you think its possible to work around this problem? I really would like to activate my widget automatically instead of pressing a key combination everytime. Thanks again On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 12:31 PM, Bart Schaefer wrote: > On Oct 30, 9:30am, Thiago Padilha wrote: > } > } This code propagates accept-line to the main zle widget(user presses > } enter), but how can I handle like ctrl+c which would normally cause zle > to > } restart without executing the command? > > For that specific case I believe this will do it: > > setopt localtraps > trap 'zle send-break' INT QUIT > > > There are really only three ways to restart ZLE: accept-line (and all the > variants), send-break, and push-line-or-edit. >