Parsing a complex language like javascript is not the job for a shell language Perhaps they are sending just JSON and you mistake with javascript? If its just json you can try this it targets bash but should work with zsh. On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 11:52 PM, TJ Luoma wrote: > Long story short… my home network is satellite Internet. It has a > 20gb/month quota (not a typo). I used to be able to parse the output > of using `lynx` but they üpgraded their system and > now uses JavaScript to deliver the information. > > I can't figure out how to parse JavaScript from a Zsh script. > > Ok, I admit that this is skirting on the edge of Zsh here, but I've > been googling for a couple hours and don't seem to be finding anything > close to a solution. Maybe just haven't found the right keywords, but > I'm getting a ton of unrelated crap. > > I'm guessing there's some tool out there like `lynx` or `wget` or > `curl` which can parse JavaScript from the command line, but I can't > find whatever it is. > > So I'm hoping maybe someone here has already reached the top of this > mountain and can point me in the right direction. > > TjL >