For quite a while, I've used the following when I want completion from the output of a previous command: _my-prev-result() { local hstring # Run last command again, save output hstring=$(eval $(fc -l -n -1)) # Split items on new-line into an array, quote each item compadd - ${(@f)hstring} } zle -C my-prev-comp menu-complete _my-prev-result bindkey '\ee' my-prev-comp zle -C my-rev-prev-comp reverse-menu-complete _my-prev-result bindkey '\eE' my-rev-prev-comp This allows me to for example use "locate foo", and then complete the next command with the found files (the drawback is of course that the previous command could take a while to run). I know about the "keeper" functions in the zsh distribution, but this is simpler. Anyway, I recently realized that I sometimes could have use for putting ALL the possibilities on the command line with a keystroke, à la the "all-matches" example under _all_matches in the zsh manual. In fact, I suspect the _all_matches completer should be involved somehow, but I have failed to find out how. Simply stated, I want a key that says: "run the previous command line, and put all the resulting output on the command line". How to do this?