If you're doing it in the context of a var assignment why not just my_variable=''; [[ -w . ]] || my_variable='my_value' You could also use glob flags but that requires creating an array var x=( .(N^w:s/./my_value/) ) On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 6:26 AM, Sepp Tannhuber wrote: > I am looking for an easy solution to monitor in my prompt whether PWD > has write permissions or not. I use something like this: > my_variable="${$([[ -w $PWD ]] || echo 0):+my_value}" > > This sets $my_variable to my_value when there are no write permissions. > Although this works, it looks very complicated, especially with the echo > command. > And I am wondering if there is a more elegant solution. Does anybody have > an idea? -- Kurtis Rader Caretaker of the exceptional canines Junior and Hank