On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 5:14 PM, Bart Schaefer wrote: > Many terminal emulators (more modern than xterm; e.g. gnome-terminal and > PuTTY, among others) provide GUI menus for doing this sort of thing. In > gnome-terminal it's Terminal -> Change Profile, you can set up as many > different profiles as you like with different font/color/lines/columns > etc. combinations, and switch among them as necessary. > > Of course "st" is designed to be extremely simple/lightweight, so it does > not have that sort of feature available. > Don't try to teach grandma how to suck eggs :-) My first programming course in 1976 involved the use of a teletype model-33 with paper tape punch/reader: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teletype_Model_33. My second course to learn FORTRAN required going to the school district administrative offices to use their IBM 80-column card punch machine then taking the card deck to another building to be submitted for running overnight: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punched_card. Kids these days just don't understand how walking to school and back home uphill both ways through two meters of snow helps build character :-) The only other argument that the shell should get involved in this is > for non-GUI consoles. I've seen reference to default console colors > having to be compiled in to the kernel, which does seem like overkill. > Even so, as Zyx pointed out, there's no way for the shell to make color > changes stick when other programs run. > I have several Linux virtual-machines and, yes, the emulated serial console has a hard-coded black background. Boo-hoo. Honestly, if you're spending more than a few minutes a year interacting with a system via such an interface you still have options that are preferable to bolting on another "feature" to zsh that only 0.001% of its users will find valuable. -- Kurtis Rader Caretaker of the exceptional canines Junior and Hank