On Thu, Jan 1, 2015 at 3:02 PM, Ray Andrews wrote: But terminal will always grab ESC 'hard' will it not? That is to say that no matter how you dress it up, the terminal always sees it verbatim. And I'd expect that that convention is now written in stone. The terminal always sees every character verbatim. How it treats the character depends on many things. In the past (circa the 1980s) you could purchase "smart" terminals from different companies each of which implemented their own "language". Language in this context means the specific mapping of character sequences to actions such as clearing the screen or changing the foreground color. The reason the terminfo and termcap databases and associated programming APIs exist (try typing "man terminfo" or "man tercap" at your shell prompt) was to make it possible for programs to perform actions like moving the cursor to a specific location on the screen without explicitly knowing which control language the terminal implemented. One of those was the DEC VT100. The "language" it recognized eventually became the winner. Winner in the sense that by the 1990s nearly all terminals implemented that language. That de-facto standard was eventually turned into standard ANSI X3.64 which is now pretty much the only terminal control language you'll find in use. P.S., Yes, I've glossed over many important details above. Such as the fact the DEC VT52 was actually the first terminal to implement what would eventually become the ANSI X3.64 standard. But it was the VT100 that made that transition all but inevitable. Today things are even more complicated by Unicode and encodings such as UTF-8 which a terminal should understand in order to translate multi-byte characters into the appropriate human language glyph. -- Kurtis Rader Caretaker of the exceptional canines Junior and Hank