Thank you, Peter and Bart. - Vin On Sun, Dec 7, 2014 at 2:01 PM, Peter Stephenson <> wrote: > Vin Shelton wrote: > > Using a variable, I cannot get ~ exclusion to work: > > > > ls *~abc~def > > ==> ghi jkl > > pat="abc~def" > > ls -d *~$pat > > ==> abc def ghi jkl > > > > I think that expansion of $pat is happening after globbing, so in this > case > > "*" expands to > > > > abc def ghi jkl > > > > without the application of the tilde exclusion. > > > > Is there something I can do about this? > > "setopt glob_subst", or probably better use $~pat which turns on > glob_subst for that expansion. The "~" may appear to be an obvious > mnemonic, but actually it was originally introduced to do the more > standard form of ~-expansion. It now turns on that and glob expansion. > > pws >