After observing how menu selection looks for zim (, I decided to code a zsh prompt for user to provide a single file and have some desirable features. The question was recently posted on unix stackexchange. Here's the link: which has code listing and GIFs. My first attempt at a single file prompt has multiple deficiencies at the moment for which I would like to overcome. My understanding is that these deficiencies require just a tiny list of options to turn on in zle, though I cannot find it... 1. Highlight: current menu selection item should be highlighted with reverse-video. 2. Order: the possible file completions should be shown below the prompt. 3. Prompt stepping: Prompt shouldn't step below after printing possible options above. This is related to 2. 4. Only one: Tab complete only first item, as we are asking for only 1 file name from user, not multiple. (This is what I mean by "functionally correct") 5. Size: If there are more possible completions than can fit below the prompt, that case is handled elegantly. Assume alternate screen, and no screen movement or scrolling available. 6. Bonus: If you could think of yet another nice feature to have for a single file selector, feel free to add. Though it would be nice to have it in a separate listing or with comments to identify how to remove your that from solution for 1-5 above. Note: The answer would be self-contained zsh code. It wouldn't ask user to edit .zshrc or install some zsh extension/plugin/framework/library. Here's the copy of my seed code that needs more watering and nutrients: Create a file ``foofiles.zsh`` in a temp directory, chmod and run it: ```zsh #!/usr/bin/env zsh setopt extendedglob setopt globcomplete setopt nomenucomplete mkdir ./foo 2>/dev/null cd ./foo touch abcd ebcf gbch ijkl mnop qrst unov wxyz cd .. function foofileselector { cd ./foo/ local curcontext=foofileselector::: vared -p "Select file: " -c foofile; cd .. } function _foofileselector { _files -W ./foo/ } zstyle ':completion:foofileselector:*:' insert-tab false completer _foofileselector autoload -Uz compinit && compinit foofileselector [[ -z $foofile ]] && foofile="NIL" echo "You selected: $foofile" rm -rf ./foo/ ```