Hello I'm using zsh 5.1.1-1ubuntu1 on Ubuntu 15.10. With the prompt command (from promptinit), I set the prompt to "fire", which results in the following prompt: █▓▒░ask@ewzw032░▒▓██▓▒░ Don Okt 29 ~/ Before Ubuntu 15.10, I had 14.04 and after the date ("Don Okt 29"), there used to be the time. The time is now missing… :/ Variables: PS1: %B%F{yellow}%K{yellow}%{█▓▒░%}%B%F{white}%K{yellow}%n@%m%b%F{red}%K{yellow}%{░▒▓█%}%b%F{red}%K{black}%{█▓▒░%}%B%F{white}%K{black} %D{%a %b %d} %D{%I:%M:%S%P} %}%B%F{yellow}%K{black}%~/%b%f%k PROMPT: %B%F{yellow}%K{yellow}%{█▓▒░%}%B%F{white}%K{yellow}%n@%m%b%F{red}%K{yellow}%{░▒▓█%}%b%F{red}%K{black}%{█▓▒░%}%B%F{white}%K{black} %D{%a %b %d} %D{%I:%M:%S%P} %}%B%F{yellow}%K{black}%~/%b%f%k RPOMPT: (empty) ​The time should've been produced by: " %D{%I:%M:%S%P} ​" I noticed, that even a simple 'PROMPT= %D{%I:%M:%S%P} ​ ​ ​$ ' doesn't show the time. But as soon as I remove the %P, it's working again. I suppose, it somehow has to do with, that the time definition here in Switzerland (German) is 24hours. There's no AM/PM.​ ​I think, that this ​is in a sense a bug of zsh and/or promptinit, as it doesn't check if the locale has am/pm. Best ​Regards,​ Alexander -- => *Google+* => http://plus.skwar.me <== => *Chat* (Jabber/Google Talk) => a.skwar@gmail.com <==