Hello 2015-11-03 8:13 GMT+01:00 lilydjwg : > > % for e in ${=PATH//:/ }; do echo e: $e; done > ​That's easy enough to type and remember, even for me ;)​ > > zsh has sh_word_split option unset by default, so use ${=var} to request > word splitting explicitely. > > I like this behaviour very much, because I don't need to quote nearly > every variable :-) > ​Thanks a lot. Might get used to it as well *G*​ > > PS: there is a coresponding $path array, and you can tie your own > variables like this: > > > export -TU PYTHONPATH pythonpath 2>/dev/null > > Re-tying a variable fails for zsh 4.x so I have to redirect the error > message to the black hole. And '-U' is for uniq to remove duplicates. > ​Cool. Thanks ;)​ ​Cheers, Alexander -- => *Google+* => http://plus.skwar.me <== => *Chat* (Jabber/Google Talk) => a.skwar@gmail.com <==