Hi list, I'm trying to highlight the current bookmark in a hg repo with some color. It looks like gen-hg-bookmark-string is the way to go, but I find it impossible to do what I plan to do. Specifically, the issue with these lines: https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh/blob/master/Functions/VCS_Info/Backends/VCS_INFO_get_data_hg#L140-L142 if VCS_INFO_hook 'gen-hg-bookmark-string' "${hgbmarks[@]}"; then # If there is an active bookmark, annotate it and put it first. if [[ -n $curbm ]] ; then hgbmarks[(i)$curbm]=() hgbmarks[1,0]="${curbm}*" fi hgbmstring=${(j:, :)hgbmarks} # Deannotate the array, in case later code expects it to be valid. # (The order is not restored.) [[ -n $curbm ]] && hgbmarks[1]=${${hgbmarks[1]}[1,-2]} else hgbmstring=${hook_com[hg-bookmark-string]} fi Because the existing code append $curbm with *, it seems like I can just modify curbm in my hook to add color escape string. But note the line `hgbmarks[(i)$curbm]=()`: if you modify $curbm in any way, the result string will have duplicate bookmarks: one that I modified with color escape string, one that was failed to remove from the array. Another option, of course, is to make the change and then unset $curbm at the end, but this is really a hack: function +vi-hg-highlight-curbm { if [[ -n $curbm ]] ; then hgbmarks[(i)$curbm]=() hgbmarks[1,0]="%{$fg_bold[red]%}${curbm}%{$reset_color%}*" curbm="" fi } I think a very simple fix for this issue is to modify the line to: hgbmarks[1,0]="${hook_com[hg-active-bookmark]}*" Can anyone propose a patch to fix this issue and make gen-hg-bookmark-string more useful? I would be happy to send a PR if the repo is hosted on Github or something more user friendly :-( -- Yuchen Ying https://about.me/yegle