On Aug 21, 2014 6:57 AM, "Jerry Rocteur" wrote: > > I have noticed something strange, it is easy to solve but should this > really be default behaviour, I thought I'd report it. > > ] arr=(one two three) > ] echo ${arr[0]} > one > ] echo ${arr[1]} > one Is the behavior you find strange (a) that ${arr[0]} is "one" or (b) that ${arr[1]} is not "two"? If (a) you may be happy to hear that this has been changed in more recent zsh releases, so that (without ksharrays set) ${arr [0]} is the empty string, as with any other index that is outside the array bounds. If (b) then this has already been explained as zsh's normal 1-based indexing (again, without ksharrays).