Hi All, I am currently working on a widget. It is used so that I can use my git alias also for my dotfiles. The widget is given bellow: function _check-if-dotfile-command { if [[ $BUFFER =~ ^"g d untrack-all" ]] then zle .kill-whole-line BUFFER="g d rm --cached -r ~" zle .accept-line elif [[ $BUFFER =~ ^"g d add-and-commit" ]] then BUFFERz=$(echo $BUFFER | cut -d '"' -f2) zle .kill-whole-line BUFFER="git d add ~ && g d commit -am \"${BUFFERz}\"" zle .accept-line elif [[ $BUFFER =~ ^"g d sb" ]] then zle .kill-whole-line BUFFER="git d branch | rofi -dmenu | xargs git checkout" zle .accept-line elif [[ $BUFFER =~ ^"g d stash-and-reset" ]] then zle .kill-whole-line BUFFER="git d stash && git d reset --hard HEAD" zle .accept-line elif [[ $BUFFER =~ ^"g d last" ]] then zle .kill-whole-line BUFFER="git d --no-pager log -1 --oneline" zle .accept-line else zle .accept-line fi } zle -N accept-line _check-if-dotfile-command Now, the problem is, the commands I am invoking are not being saved in the history file. For example, if I use: % g d add-and-commit "Few Modifications" it saves: : 1603565685:0;git d add ~ && g d commit -am "Few Modifications" I know the command below is the command I actually ran. But I want to save the command I used as well. Is there any way I can save a command in history from within the widget? *Thanks and Best Regards,Ahmad Ismail*