HI, I'm matching var="…" and would want to support quoting, i.e.: var="abc\"ef". So far I have: qstr='(#B)(["](#b)(*~(*[^\\]([\\][\\])#["]*)))["]' [[ '"qqq--\\"abc"' == (#b)$~qstr ]];printf ·ec=%s\\n $?;@str-dump match Output: ·ec=1 qstr='(#B)(["](#b)(*~(*[^\\]([\\][\\])#["]*)))["]' [[ '"qqq--\"abc"' == (#b)$~qstr ]];printf ·ec=%s\\n $?;@str-dump match Output: ·ec=0 1: qqq--\"abc 2: 3: So it at least detects a \\" in the input. Would it be possible to utilize the negations ~ and ^ to somehow match "str\"ef" as: str"ef, and "str\\"ef" as: str? -- Best regards, Sebastian Gniazdowski