I used zplugin/dtrace to catch all zstyle calls performed after "zplugin load go": https://asciinema.org/a/birc08xq4qa2cbl9zcwvlxvho I attach the dtrace report. Interesting, there is only: Zstyle -a :completion::expand::: matcher-list _matchers Zstyle -a :completion::complete::: matcher-list _matchers Zstyle -s :completion::complete:zplugin:argument-rest:argument-rest matcher match Zstyle -s :completion::complete:zplugin::plugins matcher match Zstyle -a :completion::ignored::: matcher-list _matchers There isn't something analogous to list-colors zstyle: Zstyle -a :completion::complete:zplugin:argument-rest:argument-rest list-colors val Will I be able to target the matcher-list zstyle at ":completion::complete:zplugin:argument-rest:" if there is no test for this zstyle during operations triggered by ? Best regards, Sebastian Gniazdowski