On 7 September 2016 at 10:05, Bart Schaefer wrote: > On Sep 6, 12:20am, Daniel Shahaf wrote: > > To more explicitly state what I think what Daniel is means with his > second example, the notion is that you can string key-value pairs > along in the argument list as ordinary arguments as long as you know > how many of the leading arguments are meaningful. E.g. if your > function takes four arguments, you can extend it like this: > Yes, realized that after multiple hints, however still needed the "concatenated string" data too, because much is to be passed. Single entry looks like this (fixed columns skipped) and consists of in this case two triples: unit /Users/sgniazdowski/workspace/QtZekyllManager/libgit2 :MAKEFILE:1:CMAKELISTS:1: project /Users/sgniazdowski/workspace/QtZekyllManager :GIT:1:MAKEFILE:1:CMAKELISTS:1:PRO:1: Best regards, Sebastian Gniazdowski