Hello there , Can anyone help me with a `compctl` grouping autocomplete entries by prefix behavior? I have a zsh setup via .oh-my-zsh. The z plugin allows to jump to last recently used directories. When you press `z name` it autocompletes `name` from the list of recently visited dirs by matching `name` against the list. https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/blob/6d5b8484ce7198161d5f617c3db9fd7d3833d48c/plugins/z/z.sh#L250 Sometimes the result contains only a single entry, when i know there should be multiple. I have debugged the `reply` variable. This issue happens, if all entries have the same prefix, e.g. `/path/to/dir`, containing dirs with `name` In this case there is only the prefix in the autocomplete menu instead of full list of matched dirs. Hitting ` `again after expansion, triggers a new call to `z` script complete function now with the full common prefix instead of my search query , e.g. `/path/to/dir` When i press which is bound to `reverse-menu-complete` `zsh` properly selects the last item and shows the full list. Is there supposed to be a further keybinding to expand the common prefix for `compctl` after it grouped all entries with a common prefix?