Is there a ZSH standard way to collapse a file path to its shortest representation that would be idempotent per Chapter 14.7? For example, one might echo "$filepath" | sed -E "s|$HOME/?|~/|" echo "$filepath" | sed -E "s|$HOME/?|\$HOME/|" In order to turn /home/username/bar/baz → ~/bar/baz /home/username/bar/baz → $HOME/bar/baz To achieve this effect. From the documentation, "14.7 Filename Expansion" has a lot of ways that paths can be expanded, including... 14.7.2 ... the path is checked to see if it has a named directory as its prefix. If so, then the prefix portion is replaced with a ‘~’ followed by the name of the directory .... Is there a standardized way to access this expansion with e.g. /path/to/somedir → ~SOMEDIR/foo? I expect this can be implemented manually by parsing the output of "hash -d" or similar, but I figured it was worth asking if there's an easy interface to this. I'm not concerned as much about "14.7.1 Dynamic named directories" but for completeness it would be neat. *Zach Riggle*