Hi, I'm using oh-my-zsh for a couple of years now and recently have noticed that opening new shells is painfully slow. I ran `zprof` today and this is the result. http://hastebin.com/rililedinu.log I'm a bit stumped as to what `git` and `nvm` are doing there... Here are my zsh configs: https://github.com/deiga/dotfiles/blob/master/zprofile https://github.com/deiga/dotfiles/blob/master/zshrc https://github.com/deiga/dotfiles/blob/master/zsh/aliases.zsh https://github.com/deiga/dotfiles/blob/master/zsh/system.zsh https://github.com/deiga/dotfiles/blob/master/zsh/functions.zsh -- Timo Sand timo.j.sand+sig@gmail.com