When I enter a command the bottom part of my zsh PROMPT is not cleared ~ → echo a a- INSERT -- ~ → -- INSERT -- The unusual part of my prompt is the vi mode at the bottom of my screen. Does anyone have thoughts on the best way to clear the prompt before the command is entered? Here is my zshrc: bindkey -v setopt prompt_subst vim_ins_mode="-- INSERT --" vim_cmd_mode="" vim_mode=$vim_ins_mode terminfo_down_sc=$terminfo[cud1]$terminfo[cud1]$terminfo[cuu1]$terminfo[cuu1]$terminfo[sc]$terminfo[cud1]$terminfo[cud1] function zle-keymap-select { vim_mode="${${KEYMAP/vicmd/${vim_cmd_mode}}/(main|viins)/${vim_ins_mode}}" zle reset-prompt } zle -N zle-keymap-select function zle-line-finish { vim_mode=$vim_ins_mode } zle -N zle-line-finish PS1='%{$terminfo_down_sc$vim_mode$terminfo[rc]%}%~ → ' Thanks, Jesse