I forgot to mention that, while I was able to read the history file, the new commands typed were not written to it, and this is the problem I would like to solve

Pier Paolo Grassi

Il giorno sab 2 ott 2021 alle ore 19:52 Pier Paolo Grassi <pierpaolog@gmail.com> ha scritto:
Hello, I was trying to implement a per project shell history file.
Some of these projects are on windows shared mounted via cifs. when I open those files as history with fc -p I get:

/root/.zshrc:440: locking failed for /mnt/docs/projects/devbox/.history: operation not supported: reading anyway
zsh: locking failed for  /mnt/docs/projects/devbox/.history: operation not supported: reading anyway

Is it possible to work around this? is it possibile in zsh to disable locking the history file during write operations? I am the only one writing to those files so I shouldn't risk a concurrent operation.
I tried using setopt HIST_FCNTL_LOCK but ended up with an emptied history file.

Pier Paolo Grassi