Hello, there are some completion functions that aren't loaded, it appears. > functions _systemctl _systemctl () { # undefined builtin autoload -XUz } systemctl the output is from _files systemctl tags in context :completion::complete:SYSTEMD_PAGER=:: argument-rest (_arguments _gnu_generic) tags in context :completion::complete:SYSTEMD_PAGER=:argument-rest: use-compctl (_default _arguments _gnu_generic) globbed-files (_files _default _arguments _gnu_generic) tags in context :completion::complete:sudo:: argument-rest (_arguments _sudo) it's not even listed. The completion function is defined in /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions the dir is present in $fpath and other completion function from the same directory are working correctly. What can I do to debug the issue? thanks Pier Paolo Grassi