I am trying with

remove_comma=(-r '[:alnum:] \t\n\-')
_values -O remove_comma -s , categories :message:'(aa bb cc)'

but all I get for completion is
func <tab>
func =<cursor>

instead of the string I have inserted as possible completion

I've tried also
_values -O remove_comma -s , categories \
:message:'(aa bb cc)'

to the same result

Pier Paolo Grassi

Il giorno sab 7 mag 2022 alle ore 23:00 Bart Schaefer <schaefer@brasslantern.com> ha scritto:
On Sat, May 7, 2022 at 1:57 PM Pier Paolo Grassi <pierpaolog@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't understand, however, why the -r applies only to these, since the compadd specification of this option does not describe this limitation

The short answer is that _values already creates its own -r option for
simple lists of values, but doesn't have enough information to do so
for arbitrary actions.

It's possible this could be improved.