Hello guys, I just joined the list but I have been a zsh enthusiast for 15 years and since I discovered it it's always been the best work enviroment I ever had. One thing I was never been able to accomplish though, is: what if I want a custom function, say: mydockerwrapper(){} behave, for completion's sake, like, let's say: docker ls so that if I try to complete after mydockerwrapper I get the same suggestion that I would get after docker ls, and if I have mydockerwrapper xx I get the same completion that I would get after docker ls xx, and so on. -what I tried- I know that the completion function for the docker command is _docker, and that I could associate my function to this completion function with compdef _docker mydockerwrapper but it doesn't seem possibile to pass one default argument to the completion function in this way. So I tried defining my own completion function, and add one argument and pass it to the _docker function, but I got stuck on this one. I'm sure this must be very easy to do in zsh, I just can't figure out how.. maybe someone can help me out? thanks, happy coding everyone! -- Pier Paolo Grassi email: pierpaolog@gmail.com linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pier-paolo-grassi-19300217 fondatore: https://www.meetup.com/it-IT/Machine-Learning-TO