I can appreciate the logic that goes into displaying the 'no' prefix in the output of setopt. (As it pertains to defaults and minimizing the amount of output.) However, I find myself often wanting to see every option listed by raw name, along with it's current state. And I don't care about the defaults; I'd like to see the list without the 'no' prefixes polluting the output. I originally set KSH_OPTION_PRINT, and got this as the first few lines of output: noaliases off allexport off noalwayslastprompt off alwaystoend on ... This is CLOSE to what I want, but what I really would like to see instead is this: aliases on allexport off alwayslastprompt on alwaystoend on ... Could we consider adding in this functionality? I'll leave it up to the devs to decide how this functionality gets turned on and off, but part of me is thinking it should maybe be an option, perhaps called 'OPTION_PRINT_VERBOSE' or something like that...