If you have trouble reading this email, click here for a web-based version Compare price now Vehicle Tracking - Save up to $1800 per year per vehicle on reduced fuel costs ❝ Reduce your insurance costs by up to 30% with Vehicle Tracking ❞ Companies with a large fleet of vehicles often want to know exactly where individual vehicles are at any one point in time. A vehicle tracking system allows any vehicle's exact location to be pinpointed, meaning time and money is not lost trying to find one which has been stolen or broken down. Delivery companies can track their vehicles and give more accurate delivery times to their customers, while employers can check their drivers are carrying out their duties as expected and on time. Two simple steps to saving money with Vehicle Tracking ✔ Complete our short form ✔ Receive your free tailored quotes Compare Prices Now This e-mail has been sent to zsh-users@zsh.org, respecting the legal rights regarding e-mail marketing and data protection laws in Europe. If you consider that this e-mail has been sent to you by mistake, please let us know as soon as possible. To remove your e-mail from our mailing list, click here.