On 01/07/2018 12:06 PM, Ray Andrews wrote: > But xterm seems very primitive otherwise compared to xfce4-terminal What about Xterm seems primitive to you? I've found that Xterm supports far more things (that I use and care about) than any of the other terminals that I've tried. Many of the other terminals that I've tried seem to focus on window dressing and things outside of the actual terminal area. Thus things that don't really impact my use of Xterm. That being said, I would be interested in something that wrapped around Xterm and provided various window dressing / eye candy while maintaining all of the things that Xterm can do that other terminal emulators don't do. Note: I use Xterm as the proper name for the "xterm" program / binary and (rarely) "xterm" as a generic term for other terminal emulators. (Think Xerox / Kleenex proper brands vs alternative brands.) -- Grant. . . . unix || die