On 09/29/2016 12:12 AM, Bart Schaefer wrote: > On Sep 27, 9:11pm, Hong Xu wrote: > } > } ZLE_LINE_ABORTED would turn empty if ^C is pressed on an empty line > } disregarding what it was. This is annoying since sometimes auto > } completion stuck and more than one ^C is used to cancel that. > } > } Is there any way to preserve it in this case in zsh? > > Can you give a more specific example? Normally any buffer preceding > the line on which the abort occurred is already in the history and can > be recalled with up-line-or-history et al.; ZLE_LINE_ABORTED is only > needed to capture lines that haven't yet been added to history. > Sure. For example, emacs path/to/some/file Now assume that the tab completion stucks at this point and the user accidentally presses two ^C to cancel that. Now, ZLE_LINE_ABORTED is empty but the user would prefer to restore the line "emacs path/to/some/file". Hong