On 2024-02-02 09:08, Oliver Kiddle wrote:
It is fairly easy to replicate. Use stat to examine the timestamps. The
test is reliant on the underlying filesystem. I know to avoid builds in
my home directory which is typically NFS and prefer a local scratch
filesystem which will also be faster. Use df -T . to see the type of
filesystem for the current directory.

That's way above my pay grade.  I'll take a look tho:

% df -T .
Filesystem     Type 1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3      ext4    287237 98929    168852  37% /aWorking

  apt install texinfo
Installed.  No error msg.  However 'info zsh' still reports 5.8.
Or you can install and setup command-not-found

For building zsh (or anything) from source, getting all the dependencies
installed tends to be easier than digging into Makefiles to skip

It'd be really good to get more testing of the current git head. There
have been quite a few changes and it'd be good to find any regressions
before a release.
Happy to help.
