Guten Tag, is it a bug that when the 'sharehistory' option is enabled, commands from other shells ('foreign') aren't included in the 'history' array until the user enters a command? Consider the following widget and settings in my '.zshrc': ```sh test-history() { BUFFER="" print print -- "=== HISTORY TEST ===" print -- "history array:" zmodload -F zsh/parameter p:history || return 1 printf "%s\t%s\n" "${(kv)history[@]}" | head -5 print -- "--------------------" print -- "fc command:" print -r -- "$(fc -rl -5)" zle accept-line } zle -N test-history bindkey '^R' test-history setopt SHARE_HISTORY ``` I open two terminals, type 'echo Test 1' in Terminal 1, switch to Terminal 2, and press 'Enter' without entering a command. Pressing 'Ctrl-R' shows that the 'history' array doesn't include the 'echo Test 1' entry. ```txt === HISTORY TEST === history array: -------------------- fc command: 1* echo Test 1 ``` After entering 'echo Test 2' in Terminal 2 and pressing 'Ctrl-R' again in Terminal 2, the output is: ```txt === HISTORY TEST === history array: 2 echo Test 2 1 echo Test 1 -------------------- fc command: 2 echo Test 2 1* echo Test 1 ``` Prepending 'fc -RI' before accessing the 'history' array seems to resolve the issue. Is this the recommended workaround to ensure that the 'history' array lists its resuls like 'fc -rl ...' does ? ```sh ... [[ "${options[sharehistory]}" == "on" ]] && fc -RI zmodload -F zsh/parameter p:history || return 1 printf "%s\t%s\n" "${(kv)history[@]}" | head -5 ... ``` Related: - [](