* On 07.09.2005 Meino Christian Cramer wrote: > export PS1="%B%(?..[%?] )$fg_bold[red]%b$fg_no_bold[black]%n@%U%m%u:%1~>" > > but this does not work for me. The prompt remains the same but > expansion/expanding on the commandline gets a hickup. My TERM is set > to "xterm" and normally colored output is no problem. You should enclose your color definitions between '%{' and '%}' From the manual page: ,-----[man zshall] | PROMPT EXPANSION | [...] | Visual effects | [...] | %{...%} | Include a string as a literal escape sequence. The string within | the braces should not change the cursor position. Brace pairs can | nest. `----- Try something like this % ps_beg="%B%{$fg_bold[red]%}%(?..[%?] )%b%{$fg_no_bold[black]%}%n@%U%m%u:" % ps_end="%1~>%{$fg_bold[default]$fg_no_bold[default]%}" % export PS1="${ps_beg}${ps_end}" I don't know if "%fg_bold[default]$fg_no_bold[default]" is really necessary here ... Btw, %b you mentioned is the end of bold output. See also the manual page (man zshmisc search for PROMPT EXPANSION) So long, tkr -- *** Topic for #redhat: ReDHaT is the answer to all your problems. It could be the start too!