Hi there, aliases used with trailing "parameters" don't seem to work if called remotely (via rsh or ssh). Provided you defined an alias for user "remoteUser" on Host "remoteMachine" which resolves to "/usr/local/bin/myScript fixedParameter". This is the output of a sample session: [root@localMachine] /export/home/root # su - localUser -c "ssh -i myKey remoteUser@remoteMachine '. ~/.zprofile;myAlias parameter'" zsh: myAlias not found [root@localMachine] /export/home/root # Even if you prefix the alias call with "=" (equal sign) it doesn't work although the error message differs. [root@localMachine] /export/home/root # su - localUser -c "ssh -i myKey remoteUser@remoteMachine '. ~/.zprofile;=myAlias parameter'" zsh: no such file or directory: /usr/local/bin/myScript fixedParameter [root@localMachine] /export/home/root # Is there a way to fix that? Thanks in advance