Zshell32:- This is going to be a port of unix open source shell(Zshell) The idea of the port is to evolve an open source shell for native win32. It will be based heavily on Zshell(3.1.9 or 4.0.1). Future versions of Zshell32 will be based on the Zshell port of 3.1.9 or 4.0.1 and not on future versions of zshell.This is important for Zshell32 to evolve in win32. Feature List for Zshell32:- Iam not optimistic in getting an exact port of zshell for native win32. Ofcourse zshell can be compiled and run in the cygwin environment. But the goal here isto provide a shell based on Zshell for native win32 similar to existing cmd.exe and other commercial shells like 4nt,4dos. Certain factors like NO forking in win32 puts a severe limit on the port. Features that won't be supported:- 1) No ksh and Bourne shell emulation. Instead provide cmd emulation and provide the necessary entry points to emulate any other shells for win32. 2) First release will support no extra modules and multilanguage support. Features that will be supported:- 1) All the current Zshell programming syntax. 2) similar startup scripts as in unix. Iam yet to draw up a TODO list. I will be needing lot of help from all of you after I come up with the TODO list