#compdef -p */(init|rc[0-9S]#).d/* local cmds script _compskip=all if [[ $OSTYPE = freebsd* ]]; then (( $+functions[_init_d_fullpath] )) || _init_d_fullpath() { local -a scriptpath local name=$1 dir # Known locations of init scripts # C.f. Unix/Type/_services scriptpath=(/etc/rc.d $(/bin/sh -c '. /etc/rc.subr; load_rc_config XXX; echo $local_startup' 2>/dev/null)) for dir in $scriptpath; do if [[ -f $dir/$name ]]; then echo $dir/$name return 0 fi done return 1 } (( $+functions[_init_d_get_cmds] )) || _init_d_get_cmds() { local magic cmds cmd_prefix [[ -x $script ]] || return 1 [[ $(read -u0 -k2 magic < $script && echo $magic) = '#!' ]] || return 0 [[ -f /etc/rc.subr ]] && [[ -x /sbin/rcorder ]] || return 0 grep -q '^ *\. */etc/rc\.subr *$' $script || return 0 cmds=( start stop restart rcvar status poll $(/bin/sh -c "set -- rcvar; . $script >/dev/null; echo \$extra_commands" 2>/dev/null) ) for cmd_prefix in {,one,fast,force,quiet}; do echo ${cmds/#/$cmd_prefix} done return 0 } elif [[ $OSTYPE = openbsd* ]]; then (( $+functions[_init_d_fullpath] )) || _init_d_fullpath() { echo /etc/rc.d/$1 return 0 } (( $+functions[_init_d_get_cmds] )) || _init_d_get_cmds() { local -a cmds disabled cmds=(start stop reload restart check) disabled=(${${${(M)${(f)"$(< $script)"}:#rc_(${(~j:|:)cmds})=NO}#rc_}%=NO}) echo ${cmds:|disabled} } flags=('-d[print debug information]' '-f[forcibly start the daemon]') else (( $+functions[_init_d_fullpath] )) || _init_d_fullpath() { local -a scriptpath local name=$1 dir # Known locations of init scripts # C.f. Unix/Type/_services scriptpath=(/etc/init.d /etc/rc.d /etc/rc.d/init.d) for dir in $scriptpath; do if [[ -f $dir/$name ]]; then echo $dir/$name return 0 fi done return 1 } (( $+functions[_init_d_get_cmds] )) || _init_d_get_cmds() { local what magic cmds # If the file starts with `#!' we hope that this is a shell script # and get lines looking like foo|bar) with the words in $what. what='(st(art|op|atus)|(force-|)re(start|load)|debug_(up|down)|dump(|_stats)|add|delete|clean|list)' [[ -x $script ]] || return 1 read -u0 -k2 magic < $script && [[ $magic = '#!' ]] && cmds=( ${${(j:|:s:|:)${(M)${(f)"$(< $script)"}:#[[:blank:]]#(\'|)${~what}([[:blank:]]#\|[[:blank:]]#${~what})#(\'|)\)}}//[^-a-z_]} ) # This would be the pattern to use every line of the form foo). # Some people say this might match too many lines... # # cmds=( ${${(j:|:s:|:)${(M)${(f)"$(< $script)"}:#[[:blank:]]#(\'|)[a-z_|]##\'|)\)}}//[^a-z_]} ) echo $cmds return 0 } fi script=$words[1] [[ $script = */* ]] || script="$(_init_d_fullpath "$script")" cmds=( $(_init_d_get_cmds) ) || return (( $#cmds )) || zstyle -a ":completion:${curcontext}:commands" commands cmds || cmds=(start stop) _arguments -s -A "-*" $flags "*:init.d command:_sub_commands $cmds"