# Tests for interactive job control %prep if zmodload zsh/zpty 2> /dev/null; then zpty_start() { export PS1= PS2= zpty -d zpty zsh "${(q)ZTST_testdir}/../Src/zsh -fiV +Z" } zpty_input() { zpty -w zsh "${(F)@}" $'\n' } zpty_line() { local REPLY integer i for (( i = 0; i < ${1:-1}; ++i )); do zpty -r zsh REPLY print -r -- ${REPLY%%($'\r\n'|$'\n')} done } zpty_stop() { # exit twice in case of check_jobs zpty -w zsh $'exit\nexit\n' # zpty gives no output when piped without these braces (?) { zpty -r zsh } | sed $'/[^[:space:]]/!d; s/\r$//;' zpty -d : } else ZTST_unimplemented='the zsh/zpty module is not available' fi %test zpty_start zpty_input 'setopt no_long_list_jobs' zpty_input ': &' zpty_input 'wait' zpty_stop 0:job notification with no_long_list_jobs *>\[1] [0-9]## *>\[1] + done[[:space:]]##: zpty_start zpty_input 'setopt long_list_jobs' zpty_input ': &' zpty_input 'wait' zpty_stop 0:job notification with long_list_jobs *>\[1] [0-9]## *>\[1] + [0-9]## done[[:space:]]##: zpty_start zpty_input 'setopt no_hup no_check_jobs' zpty_input 'sleep 3 &' zpty_stop 0:running job with no_hup + no_check_jobs *>\[1] [0-9]## zpty_start zpty_input 'setopt no_check_jobs' zpty_input 'sleep 3 &' zpty_stop 0:running job with no_check_jobs *>\[1] [0-9]## *>zsh:*SIGHUPed* zpty_start zpty_input 'setopt check_jobs no_check_running_jobs' zpty_input 'sleep 3 &' zpty_stop 0:running job with check_jobs + no_check_running_jobs *>\[1] [0-9]## *>zsh:*SIGHUPed* zpty_start zpty_input 'setopt check_jobs check_running_jobs' zpty_input 'sleep 3 &' zpty_stop 0:running job with check_jobs + check_running_jobs *>\[1] [0-9]## *>zsh:*running jobs* *>zsh:*SIGHUPed* #### Races presumed to be associated with zpty mean that #### tests involving suspending jobs are not safe. ## zpty_start ## zpty_input 'setopt check_jobs no_check_running_jobs' ## zpty_input 'sleep 3' ## sleep 0.1 ## zpty_input $'\C-z' ## zpty_stop ## 0:suspended job with check_jobs + no_check_running_jobs ## *>zsh:*(stopped|suspended)*sleep* ## *>zsh:*(stopped|suspended) jobs* ## # no 'SIGHUPed' message for suspended jobs ## ## zpty_start ## zpty_input 'setopt check_jobs check_running_jobs' ## zpty_input 'sleep 3' ## sleep 0.1 ## zpty_input $'\C-z' ## zpty_stop ## 0:suspended job with check_jobs + check_running_jobs ## *>zsh:*(stopped|suspended)*sleep* ## *>zsh:*(stopped|suspended) jobs* ## # no 'SIGHUPed' message for suspended jobs zpty_start zpty_input 'sleep 5 & sleep 4 & sleep 3 &' zpty_input 'jobs' zpty_stop 0:`jobs` (misc.) with multiple running jobs *>\[1] [0-9]## *>\[2] [0-9]## *>\[3] [0-9]## *>\[1] running*sleep 5* *>\[2] - running*sleep 4* *>\[3] + running*sleep 3* *>zsh:*SIGHUPed* zpty_start zpty_input 'sleep 3 &' zpty_input 'jobs -l' zpty_input 'jobs -p' zpty_stop 0:`jobs -l` and `jobs -p` with running job *>\[1] [0-9]## *>\[1] + [0-9]## running*sleep* *>[0-9]## *>zsh:*SIGHUPed* zpty_start zpty_input 'sleep 3 &' zpty_input 'jobs -d' zpty_stop 0:`jobs -d` with running job *>\[1] [0-9]## *>\[1] + running*sleep* *>\(pwd : ?*\) *>zsh:*SIGHUPed* zpty_start zpty_input 'sleep 3 &' zpty_input 'jobs -r' zpty_input '(jobs -r)' zpty_input 'print -- -' zpty_input 'jobs -s' zpty_stop 0:`jobs -r` and `jobs -s` with running job *>\[1] [0-9]## *>\[1] + running*sleep* *>\[1] + running*sleep* *>- *>zsh:*SIGHUPed* ## zpty_start ## zpty_input 'sleep 5' ## sleep 0.1 ## zpty_input $'\C-z' ## zpty_input 'jobs -r' ## zpty_input 'print -- -' ## zpty_input 'jobs -s' ## zpty_stop ## 0:`jobs -r` and `jobs -s` with suspended job ## *>zsh:*(stopped|suspended)*sleep* ## *>- ## *>\[1] + (stopped|suspended)*sleep* ## # no 'SIGHUPed' message for suspended jobs zpty_start zpty_input 'sleep 10 & sleep 9 & sleep 8 & sleep 7 &' zpty_line 4 zpty_input 'kill %4' # Dunno why we need this when checking input... sleep 0.1 zpty_line zpty_input 'kill -HUP %3' zpty_line zpty_input 'kill -INT %2' zpty_line zpty_input 'kill -KILL %1' zpty_line zpty_stop 0:various `kill` signals with multiple running jobs *>\[1] [0-9]## *>\[2] [0-9]## *>\[3] [0-9]## *>\[4] [0-9]## *>\[4] ? terminate*sleep* *>\[3] ? hangup*sleep* *>\[2] ? interrupt*sleep* *>\[1] ? kill*sleep* %clean zmodload -ui zsh/zpty