On Apr 24, 2022, at 3:13 AM, Emily Seville <emilyseville7cf@gmail.com> wrote:

There is no mention of a terminator after list. It's better to rewrite command description as:

if list term then list term [ elif list term then list term ] ... [ else list term ] fi

I don’t see the need for this. The term “list” is already defined to include the terminator, so replacing every instance of “list” with “list term” would be incorrect, repetitive, and visually noisy.

list is a sequence of zero or more sublists, in which each sublist is terminated by ‘;’, ‘&’, ‘&|’, ‘&!’, or a newline. This terminator may optionally be omitted from the last sublist in the list when the list appears as a complex command inside ‘(...)’ or ‘{...}’.

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