> I have this core dump from 06.05.2017, not sure if it's related, I > think I attach it here. The segmentation fault happened once. > > * thread #1: tid = 0x0000, 0x00000001021032fb > complist.so`msearch(ptr=0x00007fd97b34d940, ins="M", back=0, rep=0, > wrapp=0x00007fff5ded95a8) + 315 at complist.c:2312, stop reason = > signal SIGSTOP I don't have a detailed coredump like this but I think it's related, when I debug the problem in gdb the segfault append exactly at line 2312. https://sourceforge.net/p/zsh/code/ci/master/tree/Src/Zle/complist.c#l2312 But for my part I experience it a lot (I use auto-completion menu a lot) : ``` max@mde-oxalide % sudo coredumpctl list /usr/bin/zsh | head TIME PID UID GID SIG COREFILE EXE Tue 2016-10-18 15:18:05 CEST 8075 1000 100 11 missing /usr/bin/zsh Thu 2016-10-20 18:33:17 CEST 14850 1000 100 11 missing /usr/bin/zsh Tue 2016-10-25 14:45:59 CEST 18653 1000 100 11 missing /usr/bin/zsh Mon 2016-11-28 18:26:56 CET 13915 1000 100 11 missing /usr/bin/zsh Tue 2016-11-29 19:28:49 CET 3067 1000 100 11 missing /usr/bin/zsh Wed 2016-11-30 10:25:04 CET 1303 1000 100 11 missing /usr/bin/zsh Wed 2016-11-30 15:10:46 CET 16278 1000 100 11 missing /usr/bin/zsh Wed 2016-12-07 18:03:07 CET 32027 1000 100 11 missing /usr/bin/zsh Fri 2016-12-09 14:29:07 CET 22713 1000 100 11 missing /usr/bin/zsh max@laptop % sudo coredumpctl -r list /usr/bin/zsh | wc -l 83 ``` My coredumps aren't detailed as yours : ``` max@laptop % sudo coredumpctl dump /usr/bin/zsh PID: 3148 (zsh) UID: 1000 (max) GID: 100 (users) Signal: 11 (SEGV) Timestamp: Sun 2017-07-02 15:23:17 CEST (1 day 22h ago) Command Line: /usr/bin/zsh Executable: /usr/bin/zsh Control Group: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/gnome-terminal-server.service Unit: user@1000.service User Unit: gnome-terminal-server.service Slice: user-1000.slice Owner UID: 1000 (max) Boot ID: bf4c79d72cca4a4786e217e13ea0f31c Machine ID: 8466a4f6764d4d0b8fb5cb3903d9804c Hostname: laptop Storage: /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.zsh.1000.bf4c79d72cca4a4786e217e13ea0f31c.3148.1499001797000000000000.lz4 Message: Process 3148 (zsh) of user 1000 dumped core. Stack trace of thread 3148: #0 0x00007ffff55e3b90 domenuselect (complist.so) #1 0x000000000045dde9 runhookdef (zsh) #2 0x00007ffff5e10567 after_complete (complete.so) #3 0x00007ffff605fc05 docomplete (zle.so) #4 0x00007ffff605bfd0 completecall (zle.so) #5 0x00007ffff604b874 execzlefunc (zle.so) #6 0x00007ffff604bc66 zlecore (zle.so) #7 0x00007ffff604cb31 zleread (zle.so) #8 0x0000000000448494 zleentry (zsh) #9 0x00000000004499e5 ingetc.part.0 (zsh) #10 0x00000000004417fb ihgetc (zsh) #11 0x00000000004535b6 zshlex.part.1 (zsh) #12 0x0000000000473136 parse_event (zsh) #13 0x0000000000444faf loop (zsh) #14 0x0000000000448b0e zsh_main (zsh) #15 0x00007ffff70cd43a __libc_start_main (libc.so.6) #16 0x000000000041032a _start (zsh) Refusing to dump core to tty (use shell redirection or specify --output). ``` -- Regards Maxime de Roucy