From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Received: from ( []) by (8.7.5/8.7.3/2) with ESMTP id OAA23683 for ; Wed, 3 Jul 1996 14:19:21 +1000 (EST) Received: (from list@localhost) by (8.7.3/8.7.3) id AAA07129; Wed, 3 Jul 1996 00:08:57 -0400 (EDT) Resent-Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 00:08:57 -0400 (EDT) Message-Id: <> To: Subject: zsh-3.0-pre1 bug: chpwd cause BUG message after cd Date: Tue, 02 Jul 1996 21:08:09 -0700 From: Herb Maeder Resent-Message-ID: <"Vk-3g3.0.Gl1.O9Vsn"@euclid> Resent-From: X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/1518 X-Loop: Precedence: list Resent-Sender: It seems that zsh-3.0-pre1 issues a "BUG: permanent allocation in doshfunc" error message after issuing a cd when the "chpwd()" function is set. It doesn't seem to matter what it gets set to. % /usr/local/bin/zsh -f % echo $ZSH_VERSION 3.0-pre1 % cd /tmp % chpwd() { true; } % cd /tmp BUG: permanent allocation in doshfunc I don't know when this started happening, but it did not happen on zsh-2.6beta10. I've included the output of reporter below. Please respond to me directly as I am not on the zsh-workers alias. Thanks, Herb. -- Herb Maeder ------------------------------ reporter output ------------------------------ % . /usr/local/src/zsh/zsh-3.0-pre1/Util/reporter # START zsh saveset # uname: SunOS 5.5 Generic sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-1 # Aliases. alias run-help=man alias which-command=whence # Key bindings. bindkey -r "^@" bindkey -r "^A" bindkey -r "^B" bindkey -r "^C" bindkey -r "^D" bindkey -r "^E" bindkey -r "^F" bindkey -r "^G" bindkey -r "^H" bindkey -r "^I" bindkey -r "^J" bindkey -r "^K" bindkey -r "^L" bindkey -r "^M" bindkey -r "^N" bindkey -r "^O" bindkey -r "^P" bindkey -r "^Q" bindkey -r "^R" bindkey -r "^S" bindkey -r "^T" bindkey -r "^U" bindkey -r "^V" bindkey -r "^W" bindkey -r "^X" bindkey -r "^Y" bindkey -r "^Z" bindkey -r "\e" bindkey -r "^_" bindkey -r "^?" bindkey -r "^X^B" bindkey -r "^X^F" bindkey -r "^X^J" bindkey -r "^X^K" bindkey -r "^X^N" bindkey -r "^X^O" bindkey -r "^X^U" bindkey -r "^X^V" bindkey -r "^X^X" bindkey -r "^X*" bindkey -r "^XG" bindkey -r "^Xg" bindkey -r "^Xr" bindkey -r "^Xs" bindkey -r "^Xu" bindkey -r "\e^D" bindkey -r "\e^G" bindkey -r "\e^H" bindkey -r "\e^I" bindkey -r "\e^J" bindkey -r "\e^L" bindkey -r "\e^M" bindkey -r "\e^_" bindkey -r "\e " bindkey -r "\e!" bindkey -r "\e\\"" bindkey -r "\e$" bindkey -r "\e'" bindkey -r "\e-" bindkey -r "\e." bindkey -r "\e0" bindkey -r "\e1" bindkey -r "\e2" bindkey -r "\e3" bindkey -r "\e4" bindkey -r "\e5" bindkey -r "\e6" bindkey -r "\e7" bindkey -r "\e8" bindkey -r "\e9" bindkey -r "\e<" bindkey -r "\e>" bindkey -r "\e?" bindkey -r "\eA" bindkey -r "\eB" bindkey -r "\eC" bindkey -r "\eD" bindkey -r "\eF" bindkey -r "\eG" bindkey -r "\eH" bindkey -r "\eL" bindkey -r "\eN" bindkey -r "\eP" bindkey -r "\eQ" bindkey -r "\eS" bindkey -r "\eT" bindkey -r "\eU" bindkey -r "\eW" bindkey -r "\e[A" bindkey -r "\e[B" bindkey -r "\e[C" bindkey -r "\e[D" bindkey -r "\e_" bindkey -r "\ea" bindkey -r "\eb" bindkey -r "\ec" bindkey -r "\ed" bindkey -r "\ef" bindkey -r "\eg" bindkey -r "\eh" bindkey -r "\el" bindkey -r "\en" bindkey -r "\ep" bindkey -r "\eq" bindkey -r "\es" bindkey -r "\et" bindkey -r "\eu" bindkey -r "\ew" bindkey -r "\ex" bindkey -r "\ey" bindkey -r "\ez" bindkey -r "\e|" bindkey -r "\e^?" bindkey "^@" set-mark-command bindkey "^A" beginning-of-line bindkey "^B" backward-char bindkey "^C" undefined-key bindkey "^D" delete-char-or-list bindkey "^E" end-of-line bindkey "^F" forward-char bindkey "^G" send-break bindkey "^H" backward-delete-char bindkey "^I" expand-or-complete bindkey "^J" accept-line bindkey "^K" kill-line bindkey "^L" clear-screen bindkey "^M" accept-line bindkey "^N" down-line-or-history bindkey "^O" accept-line-and-down-history bindkey "^P" up-line-or-history bindkey "^Q" push-line bindkey "^R" history-incremental-search-backward bindkey "^S" history-incremental-search-forward bindkey "^T" transpose-chars bindkey "^U" kill-whole-line bindkey "^V" quoted-insert bindkey "^W" backward-kill-word bindkey "^X" prefix bindkey "^Y" yank bindkey "^Z" undefined-key bindkey "\e" prefix bindkey "^_" undo bindkey "^?" backward-delete-char bindkey "^X^B" vi-match-bracket bindkey "^X^F" vi-find-next-char bindkey "^X^J" vi-join bindkey "^X^K" kill-buffer bindkey "^X^N" infer-next-history bindkey "^X^O" overwrite-mode bindkey "^X^U" undo bindkey "^X^V" vi-cmd-mode bindkey "^X^X" exchange-point-and-mark bindkey "^X*" expand-word bindkey "^XG" list-expand bindkey "^Xg" list-expand bindkey "^Xr" history-incremental-search-backward bindkey "^Xs" history-incremental-search-forward bindkey "^Xu" undo bindkey "\e^D" list-choices bindkey "\e^G" send-break bindkey "\e^H" backward-kill-word bindkey "\e^I" self-insert-unmeta bindkey "\e^J" self-insert-unmeta bindkey "\e^L" clear-screen bindkey "\e^M" self-insert-unmeta bindkey "\e^_" copy-prev-word bindkey "\e " expand-history bindkey "\e!" expand-history bindkey "\e\\"" quote-region bindkey "\e$" spell-word bindkey "\e'" quote-line bindkey "\e-" neg-argument bindkey "\e." insert-last-word bindkey "\e0" digit-argument bindkey "\e1" digit-argument bindkey "\e2" digit-argument bindkey "\e3" digit-argument bindkey "\e4" digit-argument bindkey "\e5" digit-argument bindkey "\e6" digit-argument bindkey "\e7" digit-argument bindkey "\e8" digit-argument bindkey "\e9" digit-argument bindkey "\e<" beginning-of-buffer-or-history bindkey "\e>" end-of-buffer-or-history bindkey "\e?" which-command bindkey "\eA" accept-and-hold bindkey "\eB" backward-word bindkey "\eC" capitalize-word bindkey "\eD" kill-word bindkey "\eF" forward-word bindkey "\eG" get-line bindkey "\eH" run-help bindkey "\eL" down-case-word bindkey "\eN" history-search-forward bindkey "\eP" history-search-backward bindkey "\eQ" push-line bindkey "\eS" spell-word bindkey "\eT" transpose-words bindkey "\eU" up-case-word bindkey "\eW" copy-region-as-kill bindkey "\e[A" up-line-or-history bindkey "\e[B" down-line-or-history bindkey "\e[C" forward-char bindkey "\e[D" backward-char bindkey "\e_" insert-last-word bindkey "\ea" accept-and-hold bindkey "\eb" backward-word bindkey "\ec" capitalize-word bindkey "\ed" kill-word bindkey "\ef" forward-word bindkey "\eg" get-line bindkey "\eh" run-help bindkey "\el" down-case-word bindkey "\en" history-search-forward bindkey "\ep" history-search-backward bindkey "\eq" push-line bindkey "\es" spell-word bindkey "\et" transpose-words bindkey "\eu" up-case-word bindkey "\ew" copy-region-as-kill bindkey "\ex" execute-named-cmd bindkey "\ey" yank-pop bindkey "\ez" execute-last-named-cmd bindkey "\e|" vi-goto-column bindkey "\e^?" backward-kill-word # Completions. compctl -b bindkey compctl -c builtin compctl -v export compctl -o setopt compctl -v typeset compctl -v unset compctl -o unsetopt compctl -v vared compctl -c which compctl -C -c compctl -D -f compctl -T # Undefined functions. # Defined functions. chpwd () { true } # Limits. limit datasize 2047MB limit stacksize 8MB limit descriptors 64 # Non-array variables. TERMCAP='' TERM='xterm' \'!\'="0" \'#\'="0" \'$\'="3905" \'?\'="1" ARGC="0" AWK="nawk" BAUD="9600" CDPATH="\'\'" COLUMNS="80" CPP="/usr/ccs/lib/cpp" DIRSTACKSIZE="-1" EGID="500" ERRNO="0" EUID="500" FCEDIT="vi" FIGNORE="\'\'" FPATH="\'\'" GID="500" HISTCHARS="\'!^#\'" HISTSIZE="30" HOME="/usr/esw/root/lsf" HOST="" HZ="100" KEYTIMEOUT="40" LANG="\'\'" LINENO="329" LINES="61" LISTMAX="100" LOGCHECK="60" LOGNAME="lsf" MACHTYPE="sparc" MAIL="/var/mail/lsf" MAILCHECK="60" MAILPATH="\'\'" MANPATH="\'\'" NULLCMD="cat" OLDPWD="/tmp" OPTARG="\'\'" OPTIND="1" OSTYPE="solaris2.5" PATH="/usr/bin:." PERIOD="0" POSTEDIT="\'\'" PPID="3894" PROMPT="\'%m%# \'" PROMPT2="\'> \'" PROMPT3="\'?# \'" PROMPT4="\'+ \'" PS1="\'%m%# \'" PS2="\'> \'" PS3="\'?# \'" PS4="\'+ \'" PSVAR="\'\'" PWD="/tmp" RANDOM="28183" READNULLCMD="more" REPORTTIME="-1" RPROMPT="\'\'" RPS1="\'\'" SAVEHIST="0" SECONDS="54" SHELL="/bin/zsh" SHLVL="2" SPROMPT="\'zsh: correct \'\\'\'%R\'\\'\' to \'\\'\'%r\'\\'\' [nyae]? \'" TIMEFMT="\'%J %U user %S system %P cpu %*E total\'" TMOUT="0" TMPPREFIX="/tmp/zsh" TTY="/dev/pts/6" TTYIDLE="-1" TZ="US/Pacific" UID="500" USERNAME="lsf" VENDOR="sun" WATCH="\'\'" WATCHFMT="\'%n has %a %l from %m.\'" WORDCHARS="\'*?_-.[]~=/&;!#$%^(){}<>\'" ZSH_NAME="zsh" ZSH_VERSION="3.0-pre1" each="\'unix" histchars="\'!^#\'" reporter_OSVersion="SunOS_5.5" reporter_junkiequotes="no" status="1" str="\'SunOS 5.5 Generic sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-1\'" prompt='test%' # Array variables. argv=() '*'=() cdpath=() fignore=() fpath=() mailpath=() manpath=() path=(/usr/bin .) psvar=() signals=(EXIT HUP INT QUIT ILL TRAP IOT EMT FPE KILL BUS SEGV SYS PIPE ALRM TERM USR1 USR2 CLD PWR WINCH URG POLL STOP TSTP CONT TTIN TTOU VTALRM PROF XCPU XFSZ WAITING LWP FREEZE THAW CANCEL RTMIN 38 39 40 41 42 43 RTMAX ZERR DEBUG) watch=() # Exported variables. export TERMCAP export TERM export HOME=/usr/esw/root/lsf export HZ=100 export LOGNAME=lsf export MAIL=/var/mail/lsf export PATH=/usr/bin:. export PWD=/tmp export SHELL=/bin/zsh export SHLVL=2 export TERM=xterm export TZ=US/Pacific # Setopt. setopt bgnice setopt hashcmds setopt hashdirs setopt hashlistall setopt norcs setopt notify # END zsh saveset