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From: Sven Wischnowsky <wischnow@informatik.hu-berlin.de>
To: zsh-workers@sunsite.auc.dk
Subject: completion grouping (yes, again)
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 13:07:59 +0100 (MET)	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <199911091207.NAA21115@beta.informatik.hu-berlin.de> (raw)

I've hacked a bit more, trying to make things easier to use and

First, the completion function side:

`_tags' has been simplified. The `-i' isn't needed anymore, functions
that only want to check if a tag (or at least one of a set of tags) is 
requested at all only need to do `_tags tag... || return 1'.

Then I also removed the `-f' option (which was used to give the name
of the completion function to test for). Function names are not tested 
anymore, i.e. the context-patterns are only compared to the command
name from the line.

I also added a bit of parameter magic, so that functions using `_tags' 
don't need to define the `tags' parameter locally. In other words,
completion function don't have to define *any* local parameter

The I added the functions `_requested' which gets names of tags and
returns zero if at least one of these tags was requested.

So, to use tags one can now simply do something like:

  local ret=1

  _tags job process   # say which types of matches we can add

  while _tags; do     # get the next set of tags to try

    _requested job     && _jobs && ret=0
    _requested process && _pids && ret=0

    (( ret )) || return 0

  return 1

But there is also the new function `_alternative' (please someone who
actually can speak English tell me a better name), which basically
implements such a loop. Its arguments are of the form
`<tag>:<descr>:<action>', which should look familiar. The tags are
given to `_tags' and then a loop executes the actions of the requested 
tags. This also means that there is a small difference to `_arguments' 
and friends: the `->state' style for actions is not supported (because 
`_alternative' may have to execute more than one action).

With this functions like `_wait' only have to do:

  _alternative 'job:: _jobs' 'process:: _pids'

(Empty descriptions because they are not used -- the actions start
with spaces and we use the descriptions added by `_jobs' and `_pids'.)

Then I added some more support for styles. The function `_style' can
be used to test if a certain style of completion is requested and to
get the string of the style. As a reminder: styles are intended for
things like the old `describe_options' config key. The suggested
syntax is that in the `comptags' assoc the styles are given in
brackets after the priority, seperated by commas and if they have a
value, the value is given after an equal sign. E.g. `[s1,s2=foo,s3]'.
But never mind, I've have also two suggestions for a better
configuration interface (described below) both of which make this very 

`_style' has four modes:
  - _style tag style
    this returns zero if the `style' is set for the `tag'
  - _style -g tag name
    this stores the style-string for the `tag' defined by the user in
    the parameter `name'
  - _style tag style value
    this checks if the `style' for the `tag' has the given `value'
  - _style -g tag style name
    and this stores the value of the `style' for the `tag' in the
    parameter `name'

Currently only the first mode is used and maybe we should split the
function in two: one for testing, one for getting the style/value. Or
maybe we'll find out that we don't really need to support values here.

What I was thinking about is this: if we integrate the config stuff
into the tags mechanism I see two ways we can go:

1) Add `pseudo'-tags, named after the config keys they replace and
   just use the style defined for them as the replacement for what is
   now the value of config key. This looks like a good thing to do for 
   keys like `ps_args' and many others.
2) Add new tags which, too, are only used to get information about
   user definitions, but which also group config keys. For example we
   could replace the `path_expand'/`path_cursor' pair by making
   `_path_files' look at the styles for the `pathname' tag (I would
   hope to find a better name than). `_path_files' would look at the
   styles `expand' and `cursor' for this tag and the values of these
   styles are then used like the values of the config keys.

I quite like the grouping done by 2), but for some config keys this
looks like overkill.

One last comment about `_style': currently the arguments are tested
literally. We could easily change that so that they are interpreted as 
patterns. If we ever start using this, it may turn out that we want

Ok, now for the last part: contexts. The problem is that for some
commands there are different places where the same tags are
used. E.g. the command `dvips' gets dvi files but any file name after
the `-o' option. If we let users define the tags they want to try only 
based on the command name, cases like this will often show the wrong
behaviour. So we would want to be able to say that completion
functions generate matches for different contexts and let users define 
tags differently for these. Back to the example: here we could have a
`input' and a `output' context.

I have already change `_tags' and `_alternative' to support the
`-C <context>' option that allows one to give the name of the context
we are completing for. If such a context is given (currently no
functions uses them), `_tags' will compare the patterns from the
`comptags' assoc with a string of the form `cmd-name/context'. It
could be changed so that a user definition without a slash would
affect all contexts.

One problem is to decide when we should use such contexts: always? Or
only if a command uses the same tag(s) in more than one place? The
first one looks cleaner but that would mean that completion function
writers would always have to give such a context name. This is
particularly ugly because 1) we would have to change all completion
functions and 2) we would have to change functions like `_arguments'
so that their arguments also contain these context names. Alternatively
we could change `_arguments' so that they build default context names
if users don't define them. For `_arguments' this could, for example,
use names like `-o' and `arg-1' (for options getting multiple
arguments this would have to be `-foo-1'). Or maybe we use `arg/1',
making it look like a (sub-)sub-context. But, of course, the problem
with this is that in many cases the names would be ugly (`infile' is
certainly more user-friendly than `arg/1').

Ok, anyone got any ideas about this?

And now for the other part: the configuration interface.

As I said above, I have implemented two suggestions. The functions
are `conf1' and `conf2' in `compinit'. They are not yet in their final 
form (e.g. they can't list the configuration, only set it, you can
look at the result with `comptag'), I just wanted to give you a way to
play with them. In the end one or both of them will be removed,
renamed and so on...

`conf1' is tag-centered, its arguments implement what I would call a

  conf1 <def> ...

  <def>     = tag <spec> ... |
              tag 'is' style
  <spec>    = [ <context> ] <prio>
  <context> = 'in' pattern |
  <prio>    = '=' 'never' |
              '=' number [ <style> ... ]
  <style>   = 'with' style

where `style' may be `foo=bar' (i.e. a style with a value).


  conf1 \
    argument = 1 \
    value    = 1 with describe \
    option   = 2 with describe and hide \
    file     = 3 \
    path in   '*dvi*' = 1 \
         else         = 2 \
    glob     = 1 \
    job      = never

This means that arguments and values have a high priority, and options 
have a lower one. Values and options will be shown with descriptions
(aside: if we ever use such a syntax the names of the styles should be
changed to nouns) and options will be displayed without the option
character prefixes. Then files have a low priority and glob patterns a
high priority. The entry for paths shows how to set different
priorities for commands matching `*dvi*' and for all other command
(the `else' is syntactic sugar for `in "*"'). Finally the `never' for
the `job' tag means that jobs will never be used as possible matches.

The `is'-form would be used for replacing config keys as in:

  conf1 completer is '_complete:_correct'

There are some problems with this. The biggest one is that users are
still exposed to the priorities, i.e. users have to take care that the 
numbers are chosen so that the tags are tried in the right order for
all commands affected. Also, I'm not sure that users would really
think in terms of tags. I think they find it easier to think about
commands. These problems are addressed by my second suggested
function (`conf2'). Again, a small language:

  conf2 <def> ...
  <def>      = 'for' pat 'do' <spec> |
               'else' 'do' <spec> |
	       'always' do <spec>
  <spec>     = <or-list> |
               'no' <no-list> |
               'no' <no-list> 'but' <or-list>
  <no-list>  = tag | tag 'and' <no-list>
  <or-list>  = <and-list> |
               <and-list> 'or' <or-list>
  <and-list> = <tag> |
               <tag> 'and' <and-list>
  <tag>      = tag [ <styles> ]
  <styles>   = 'with' style | <styles> 'and' 'with' style


  conf2 \
    for '*dvi*' do \
      glob and path or \
      file \
    else do \
      glob or \
      path or \
      file \
    for '*p[bgpn]m*' do \
      argument and option with describe and with hide \
    else do \
      argument or \
      value with describe or \
      option with describe \
    for 'kill' do \
      no job but \
      process \
    else do \
      process and job

This says that for `*dvi*' commands first both the glob pattern and
directories should be generated and if that fails all files. For all
other commands (the `else') first the glob pattern is tried (if any),
if that fails, directories and if that fails, all files.
The definition for `*p[bgpn]m*' shows how to give styles to use. The
example for the `kill' command finally shows how to say that one
doesn't want to use a tag (`job') at all.
The `always' in the description above is just a synonym for `else' for 
places where that is easier to read. E.g.:

  conf2 always do completer with '_complete:_correct'

(Although in this case one would probably also wish to be able to
write something else than `do ... with').

I quite like this second example function, there is only one small
problem (the first function has the same): users still have to be
carefull to describe things in the right order because the command
patterns are tested in the order in which they are defined. We can't
get around that entirely, but I think if this gets accepted that we
should change it so that non-pattern commands (the `kill' example) are
sorted before all patterns and the default things (`else' and
`always') are put at the end. The function will also have to make sure 
that a newer description for the same pattern/tag pair replaces an
older one.

Ok, that's it for now. Comments?


diff -u -r oldcompletion/Base/_arguments Completion/Base/_arguments
--- oldcompletion/Base/_arguments	Tue Nov  9 13:03:22 1999
+++ Completion/Base/_arguments	Tue Nov  9 10:06:10 1999
@@ -154,14 +154,14 @@
 if comparguments -i "$compconfig[autodescribe_options]" "$@"; then
   local nm="$compstate[nmatches]" action noargs aret expl local
   local next direct odirect equal single match matched ws tmp1 tmp2
-  local tags opts
+  local opts
   if comparguments -D descr action; then
     if comparguments -O next direct odirect equal; then
-      _tags -f "$funcstack[2]" argument option
+      _tags argument option
-      _tags -f "$funcstack[2]" argument
+      _tags argument
     if comparguments -a; then
@@ -172,12 +172,12 @@
     comparguments -O next direct odirect equal || return 1
-    _tags -f "$funcstack[2]" option
+    _tags option
   while _tags; do
     while true; do
-      if [[ "$tags" = *:argument* ]]; then
+      if [[ -n "$matched" ]] || _requested argument; then
         _description expl "$descr"
         if [[ "$action" = -\>* ]]; then
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
             eval ws\=\( "${action[3,-3]}" \)
-            _describe -c "$cmd" -f "$funcstack[2]" "$descr" ws -M "$match"
+            _describe -c "$cmd" "$descr" ws -M "$match"
           elif [[ "$action" = \(*\) ]]; then
@@ -234,8 +234,8 @@
-      if [[ "$tags" = *:option* &&
-            ( "$tags" != *\[*prefix*\]* || "$PREFIX" = [-+]* ) ]]; then
+      if [[ -z "$matched" ]] && _requested option &&
+          { ! _style option prefix || [[ "$PREFIX" = [-+]* ]] } ; then
         comparguments -M match
         if comparguments -s single; then
@@ -253,20 +253,21 @@
 	    tmp1=( "${(M@)tmp1:#[-+]?(|:*)}" )
 	    tmp2=( "${PREFIX}${(@M)^${(@)${(@)tmp1%%:*}#[-+]}:#?}" )
-            _describe -o -c "$cmd" -f "$funcstack[2]" option \
+            _describe -o -c "$cmd" option \
                       tmp1 tmp2 -Q -S ''
           next=( "$next[@]" "$odirect[@]" )
-          _describe -o -c "$cmd" -f "$funcstack[2]" option \
+          _describe -o -c "$cmd" option \
             next -Q -M "$match" -- \
             direct -QS '' -M "$match" -- \
             equal -QqS= -M "$match"
-      if [[ -n "$opts" && -z "$aret$matched" && nm -ne compstate[nmatches] &&
-            "$tags" = *:argument* ]]; then
+      if [[ -n "$opts" && -z "$aret$matched" &&
+            nm -ne compstate[nmatches] ]] &&
+          _requested argument; then
         local prefix suffix
@@ -282,7 +283,6 @@
 	  comparguments -L "$equal[1]" descr action
-	  tags=argument
diff -u -r oldcompletion/Base/_describe Completion/Base/_describe
--- oldcompletion/Base/_describe	Tue Nov  9 13:03:22 1999
+++ Completion/Base/_describe	Tue Nov  9 10:06:10 1999
@@ -2,19 +2,16 @@
 # This can be used to add options or values with descriptions as matches.
-local cmd func opt expl tmps tmpd tmpmd tmpms ret=1 showd _nm hide
-local tags type=value
+local cmd opt expl tmps tmpd tmpmd tmpms ret=1 showd _nm hide
+local type=value
 # Get the options.
-while getopts 'oc:f:' opt; do
+while getopts 'oc:' opt; do
   if [[ "$opt" = o ]]; then
-  elif [[ "$opt" = f ]]; then
-    func="$OPTARG"
@@ -23,9 +20,9 @@
 # Do the tests. `showd' is set if the descriptions should be shown.
-_tags -i -c "$cmd" -f "$func" "$type" || return 1
+_tags -c "$cmd" "$type" || return 1
-[[ "$tags" = *:${type}\[*describe*\]* ]] && showd=yes
+_style "$type" describe && showd=yes
 _description expl "$1"
@@ -36,7 +33,7 @@
   compdescribe -i "$@"
-[[ "$type" = option && "$tags" = *:option\[*hide*\]* ]] && hide=yes
+[[ "$type" = option ]] && _style option hide && hide=yes
 while compdescribe -g args tmpd tmpmd tmps tmpms; do
diff -u -r oldcompletion/Base/_values Completion/Base/_values
--- oldcompletion/Base/_values	Tue Nov  9 13:03:22 1999
+++ Completion/Base/_values	Tue Nov  9 10:06:10 1999
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 if compvalues -i "$@"; then
-  local tags noargs args opts descr action expl sep
+  local noargs args opts descr action expl sep
   if ! compvalues -D descr action; then
-    _tags -i value || return 1
+    _tags value || return 1
     compvalues -V noargs args opts
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
-      _describe -f "$funcstack[2]" "$descr" \
+      _describe "$descr" \
         noargs "$sep[@]" -M 'r:|[_-]=* r:|=*' -- \
         args -S= -M 'r:|[_-]=* r:|=*' -- \
         opts -qS= -M 'r:|[_-]=* r:|=*'
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
-  _tags -i argument || return 1
+  _tags argument || return 1
   _description expl "$descr"
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
       eval ws\=\( "${action[3,-3]}" \)
-      _describe -f "$funcstack[2]" "$descr" ws -M 'r:|[_-]=* r:|=*'
+      _describe "$descr" ws -M 'r:|[_-]=* r:|=*'
     elif [[ "$action" = \(*\) ]]; then
diff -u -r oldcompletion/Builtins/_kill Completion/Builtins/_kill
--- oldcompletion/Builtins/_kill	Tue Nov  9 13:03:22 1999
+++ Completion/Builtins/_kill	Tue Nov  9 10:06:11 1999
@@ -1,23 +1,13 @@
 #compdef kill
-local tags list expl
+local list expl
 if compset -P 1 -; then
-  _tags -i signal || return 1
+  _tags signal || return 1
   _description expl signal
   compadd "$expl[@]" $signals[1,-3]
-  local ret=1
-  _tags job process
-  while _tags; do
-    [[ "$tags" = *:job:*     ]] && _jobs && ret=0
-    [[ "$tags" = *:process:* ]] && _pids && ret=0
-    (( ret )) || break
-  done
-  return ret
+  _alternative 'job:: _jobs' 'process:: _pids'
diff -u -r oldcompletion/Builtins/_wait Completion/Builtins/_wait
--- oldcompletion/Builtins/_wait	Tue Nov  9 13:03:22 1999
+++ Completion/Builtins/_wait	Tue Nov  9 10:06:11 1999
@@ -1,13 +1,3 @@
 #compdef wait
-local tags ret=1
-_tags job process
-while _tags; do
-  [[ "$tags" = *:job:*     ]] && _jobs && ret=0
-  [[ "$tags" = *:process:* ]] && _pids && ret=0
-  (( ret )) || break
-return ret
+_alternative 'job:: _jobs' 'process:: _pids'
diff -u -r oldcompletion/Core/_alternative Completion/Core/_alternative
--- oldcompletion/Core/_alternative	Tue Nov  9 13:03:22 1999
+++ Completion/Core/_alternative	Tue Nov  9 10:46:05 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+local tags def expl descr action mesgs nm="$compstack[nmatches]"
+local context
+if [[ "$1" = -C?* ]]; then
+  context="${1[3,-1]}"
+  shift
+elif [[ "$1" = -C ]]; then
+  context="$2"
+  shift 2
+_tags -C "$context" "${(@)argv%%:*}"
+while _tags; do
+  for def; do
+    if _requested "${def%%:*}"; then
+      descr="${${def#*:}%%:*}"
+      action="${def#*:*:}"
+      _description expl "$descr"
+      if [[ "$action" = \ # ]]; then
+        # An empty action means that we should just display a message.
+        mesgs=( "$mesgs[@]" "$descr")
+      elif [[ "$action" = \(\(*\)\) ]]; then
+        local ws
+        # ((...)) contains literal strings with descriptions.
+        eval ws\=\( "${action[3,-3]}" \)
+        _describe "$descr" ws -M 'r:|[_-]=* r:|=*'
+      elif [[ "$action" = \(*\) ]]; then
+        # Anything inside `(...)' is added directly.
+        compadd "$expl[@]" - ${=action[2,-2]}
+      elif [[ "$action" = \{*\} ]]; then
+        # A string in braces is evaluated.
+        eval "$action[2,-2]"
+      elif [[ "$action" = \ * ]]; then
+        # If the action starts with a space, we just call it.
+        ${(e)=~action}
+      else
+        # Otherwise we call it with the description-arguments built above.
+        action=( $=action )
+        ${(e)action[1]} "$expl[@]" ${(e)~action[2,-1]}
+      fi
+    fi
+  done
+  [[ nm -ne compstate[nmatches] ]] && return 0
+for descr in "$mesgs[@]"; do
+  _message "$descr"
+return 1
diff -u -r oldcompletion/Core/_files Completion/Core/_files
--- oldcompletion/Core/_files	Tue Nov  9 13:03:22 1999
+++ Completion/Core/_files	Tue Nov  9 13:02:38 1999
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-local opts opt type=file tags
+local opts opt type=file
 while getopts "P:S:qr:R:W:F:J:V:X:f/g:M:" opt; do
@@ -13,15 +13,24 @@
 case "$type" in
-file) _tags -f "$funcstack[2]" file           ;;
-dir)  _tags -f "$funcstack[2]" path file      ;;
-*)    _tags -f "$funcstack[2]" glob path file ;;
+file) _tags file           ;;
+dir)  _tags path file      ;;
+*)    _tags glob path file ;;
 while _tags; do
-  [[ "$tags" = *:file:* ]] && { _path_files "$opts[@]" -f         ;  return   }
-  [[ "$tags" = *:path:* ]] &&   _path_files "$opts[@]" -/         && return 0
-  [[ "$tags" = *:glob:* ]] &&   _path_files "$opts[@]" -g "$type" && return 0
+  if _requested file; then
+    _path_files "$opts[@]" -f
+    return
+  elif _requested path; then
+    if _requested glob; then
+      _path_files "$opts[@]" -/g "$type" && return 0
+    else
+      _path_files "$opts[@]" -/g "$type" && return 0
+    fi
+  elif _requested glob; then
+    _path_files "$opts[@]" -g "$type" && return 0
+  fi
 return 1
diff -u -r oldcompletion/Core/_main_complete Completion/Core/_main_complete
--- oldcompletion/Core/_main_complete	Tue Nov  9 13:03:22 1999
+++ Completion/Core/_main_complete	Tue Nov  9 10:06:53 1999
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
 # state than the global one for which you are completing.
-local comp post ret=1 _compskip tags _prio_num=1
+local comp post ret=1 _compskip _prio_num=1
 typeset -U _offered_tags _tried_tags _failed_tags _used_tags _unused_tags
-typeset -A _prio_names
+typeset -A _prio_names _cur_tags
diff -u -r oldcompletion/Core/_requested Completion/Core/_requested
--- oldcompletion/Core/_requested	Tue Nov  9 13:03:22 1999
+++ Completion/Core/_requested	Tue Nov  9 13:02:41 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+local tag tname="$funcstack[2,-1]"
+for tag; do
+  [[ "${_cur_tags[${tname}]}" = *:${tag}(:|\[*\]:)* ]] && return 0
+return 1
diff -u -r oldcompletion/Core/_style Completion/Core/_style
--- oldcompletion/Core/_style	Tue Nov  9 13:03:22 1999
+++ Completion/Core/_style	Tue Nov  9 10:06:12 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+local tags get i
+if [[ "$1" = -g ]]; then
+  get=yes
+  shift
+if (( ${+_cur_tags[${funcstack[2,-1]}]} )); then
+  tags="${_cur_tags[${funcstack[2,-1]}]}"
+  tags="${_cur_tags[${funcstack[3,-1]}]}"
+if [[ "$tags" = *:${1}\[*\]:* ]]; then
+  tags="${${tags#*:${1}\[}%%\]*}"
+  if [[ $# -eq 2 ]]; then
+    if [[ -n "$get" ]]; then
+      eval "${2}=\"$tags\""
+      return 0
+    fi
+    [[ "$tags" = (|*,)${2}(|,*) ]]
+    return
+  fi
+  [[ "$tags" = (|*,)${2}(|(\=|,)*) ]] || return 1
+  if [[ -n "$get" ]]; then
+    if [[ "$tags" = (|*,)${2}\=* ]]; then
+      eval "${3}=\"${${tags#(|*,)${2}\=}%%,*}\""
+    else
+      eval "${3}=''"
+    fi
+    return 0
+  fi
+  [[ "$tags" = (|*,)${2}\=(|[^,]#,)${3}(|,*) ]] 
+  return
+return 1
diff -u -r oldcompletion/Core/_tags Completion/Core/_tags
--- oldcompletion/Core/_tags	Tue Nov  9 13:03:22 1999
+++ Completion/Core/_tags	Tue Nov  9 10:06:12 1999
@@ -1,19 +1,21 @@
+local tname="$funcstack[2,-1]"
 if (( $# )); then
-  local cmd="$words[1]" func="$funcstack[2]" defs i ttags tag pat style prio
-  local trynow
+  local cmd="$words[1]" defs i ttags tag pat style prio context opt
-  while getopts 'c:f:i' i; do
-    case "$i" in
-    c) cmd="$OPTARG"  ;;
-    f) func="$OPTARG" ;;
-    i) trynow=yes     ;;
-    esac
+  while getopts 'c:C:' opt; do
+    if [[ "$opt" = c ]]; then
+      cmd="$OPTARG"
+    else
+      context="$OPTARG"
+    fi
   shift OPTIND-1
+  [[ -n "$context" ]] && context="/$context"
   defs=( "${(@M)argv:#${(kj:|:)~override_tags[(R)(|+*)]}}" )
   (( $#defs )) && set -- "$defs[@]"
@@ -42,8 +44,7 @@
   for i in "$defs[@]"; do
     for pat in "${(s.:.)i#*:}"; do
-      if [[ ( "$pat" = _* && "$func" = ${~pat%%\=*} ) ||
-            "$cmd" = ${~pat%%\=*} ]]; then
+      if [[ "$cmd$context" = ${~pat%%\=*} ]]; then
 	[[ "$prio" = -* ]] && continue 2
@@ -65,22 +66,24 @@
   prio="_prio_arr$(( _prio_num++ ))"
-  _prio_names[$funcstack]="$prio"
-  eval "${prio}=( \"\${(@)ttags:#}\" )"
+  _prio_names[$tname]="$prio"
+  ttags=( "${(@)ttags:#}" )
+  eval "${prio}=( \"\$ttags[@]\" )"
-  [[ -z "$trynow" ]] && return 0
+  return \!$#ttags
-local prios="$_prio_names[$funcstack]"
+local prios="$_prio_names[$tname]"
-_failed_tags=( "$_failed_tags[@]" "$_last_tags[@]" )
+_failed_tags=( "$_failed_tags[@]" "$_last_tags" )
 (( ${(P)#prios} )) || return 1
-shift 1 "$prios"
-_last_tags=( "${(@s.:.)${${tags#:}%:}}" )
+_last_tags=( "${(@)${(@s.:.)${(@P)prios}[1]}:#}" )
 _tried_tags=( "$_tried_tags[@]" "$_last_tags[@]" )
+shift 1 "$prios"
 return 0
diff -u -r oldcompletion/Core/compinit Completion/Core/compinit
--- oldcompletion/Core/compinit	Tue Nov  9 13:03:22 1999
+++ Completion/Core/compinit	Tue Nov  9 13:06:14 1999
@@ -446,6 +446,177 @@
+# First suggested function for new configuration interface.
+# Example:
+#   conf1 \
+#     argument = 1 \
+#     value    = 1 with describe \
+#     option   = 2 with describe and hide \
+#     file     = 3 \
+#     path in   '*dvi*' = 1 \
+#          else         = 2 \
+#     glob     = 1 \
+#     job      = never
+conf1() {
+  local tag pat prio
+  while (( $# )); do
+    tag="$1"
+    shift
+    while (( $# )); do
+      if [[ "$1" = in ]]; then
+        pat="$2"
+	shift 2
+      else
+        pat='*'
+	[[ "$1" = else ]] && shift
+      fi
+      style=''
+      if [[ "$1" = is ]]; then
+        prio=0
+	style="[${2}]"
+	shift 2
+      elif [[ "$1" = \= ]]; then
+        if [[ "$2" = n(o|ever) ]]; then
+          prio=-1
+	  shift 2
+        else
+          prio="$2"
+	  shift 2
+	  if [[ "$1" = with ]]; then
+	    while [[ "$1" = (with|and) ]]; do
+	      style="${style},${2}"
+	      shift 2
+            done
+            style="[${style[2,-1]}]"
+          fi
+        fi
+      else
+        echo "$0: missing priority: $1"
+	return 1
+      fi
+      if [[ -n "$comptags[$tag]" ]]; then
+        comptags[$tag]="${comptags[$tag]}:${pat}=${prio}${style}"
+      else
+        comptags[$tag]="${pat}=${prio}${style}"
+      fi
+      [[ "$1" = (in|else|\=) ]] || break
+    done
+  done
+  return 0
+# Second suggested function for new configuration interface.
+# Example:
+#   conf2 \
+#     for '*dvi*' do \
+#       glob and path or \
+#       file \
+#     else do \
+#       glob or \
+#       path or \
+#       file \
+#     for '*p[bgpn]m*' do \
+#       argument and option with describe and with hide \
+#     else do \
+#       argument or \
+#       value with describe or \
+#       option with describe \
+#     for 'kill' do \
+#       no job but \
+#       process \
+#     else do \
+#       process and job
+conf2() {
+  local pat prio tag style
+  while (( $# )); do
+    if [[ "$1" = for ]]; then
+      pat="$2"
+      shift 2
+    elif [[ "$1" = (else|always) ]]; then
+      pat="*"
+      shift
+    else
+      echo "$0: missing context: $1"
+      return 1
+    fi
+    shift 1
+    prio=1
+    while (( $# )); do
+      if [[ "$1" = no ]]; then
+        while [[ "$1" != (but|for|else|always) ]]; do
+	  if [[ -n "$comptags[$2]" ]]; then
+	    comptags[$2]="${comptags[$2]}:${pat}=-1"
+          else
+	    comptags[$2]="${pat}=-1"
+	  fi
+	  shift 2
+	done
+	[[ "$1" != but ]] && break
+	shift
+      fi
+      while (( $# )); do
+        tag="$1"
+	shift
+	style=''
+	if [[ "$1" = with ]]; then
+	  shift
+	  while true; do
+	    style="${style},${1}"
+	    [[ "$2" != and || "$3" != with ]] && break
+	    shift 3
+          done
+	  shift
+        fi
+	[[ -n "$style" ]] && style="[${style[2,-1]}]"
+	if [[ -n "$comptags[$tag]" ]]; then
+	  comptags[$tag]="${comptags[$tag]}:${pat}=${prio}${style}"
+        else
+	  comptags[$tag]="${pat}=${prio}${style}"
+        fi
+	[[ "$1" != and ]] && break
+	shift
+      done
+      [[ "$1" != or ]] && break
+      (( prio++ ))
+      shift
+    done
+  done
 # Utility function to call a function if it exists.
 # Usage: funcall <return> <name> [ <args> ... ]

Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@informatik.hu-berlin.de

             reply	other threads:[~1999-11-09 12:08 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 7+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
1999-11-09 12:07 Sven Wischnowsky [this message]
1999-11-09 17:59 ` Bart Schaefer
1999-11-09 19:14   ` Bart Schaefer
1999-11-10  9:43 Sven Wischnowsky
1999-11-11 10:57 ` Bart Schaefer
1999-11-11 11:33 Sven Wischnowsky
1999-11-11 11:39 ` Zefram

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