Here is a first attempt at proposing a completer that completes words in history. This is the start of a replacement for the example in the compctl manual that searches history if filenames don't match in the default completion (compctl -D -f + -H 0 ''). This is a pruned down version of the _history_complete_word widget so that it would behave as a completer function and not as a stand alone widget. Some of the behavior provided by the _history_complete_word widget is lost, but the ability to include it as a completer should be useful. It might be useful to use with the predict widgets. One benefit is that it is now possible to use the default styles that all the completers use. For example, matcher-list can be used with _history. Future changes to this widget might include the ability to limit how much of history is used for completion, like the old compctl -H flag. I think there is a lot of potential to be found in limiting history words to similar contexts; only history lines where the current command is used, or previous values for the current option. To do this might require some changes to the zsh/parameter module to make this efficient. It might be useful to use history as a way to filter completions from other completers. To first use completions that are already found in history. Or the opposite, to eliminate choices that are found in the history. -FR. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send online invitations with Yahoo! Invites.