Wayne Davison wrote: >The matching rule would allow more general command-name rules, plus >line-oriented rules that name-oriented support don't allow. For >instance: ignoring lines that are just 1 or 2 chars long; ignoring >the make command unless it had an argument or was a part of a compound >statement; ignoring the history command, but only if it is not a part >of a compound statement (such as having its output piped into a >script); ignoring lines that begin with whitespace (including tab) >without having any extra alias-checking rules done; ignoring a lynx >command that uses the -auth option; etc. > >The plus side is that a line-matching rule is much more flexible. The >down side is that a user has to understand complex patterns to be able >to use it effectively. Some good examples would get the casual user >going, though. Yeah, I was talking about something similar that could be used with Bart's new smart-insert-last-word widget. Seems like some common ability to match and filter history would be useful in several situations. Sort of a regex for command history... 8) Another thing I would use is a "soft" or "fuzzy" history mechanism. For example, I would really like to be able to intercept a "!$" history option and replace it with a call to smart-insert-last-word (w/command line matching). Or the ability to intercept other history calls like !* or !!. It seems like it would be useful to have an option that would allow us to play with this history mechanism, so it's a little more DWIM. -FR __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get Yahoo! Mail – Free email you can access from anywhere! http://mail.yahoo.com/