_zip local suffixes suf zipfile izip local expl curcontext="$curcontext" state line typeset -A opt_args ZIPOPT The argoption elements are used to specify the flags that _arguments takes. If the "use" attribute is set to "false" this argoption will not be generated. -A With -A, no options will be completed after the first non-option argument on the line. The -A has to be followed by a pattern matching all strings which are not to be taken as arguments. For example, to make _arguments stop completing options after the first normal argument, but ignoring all strings starting with a hyphen even if they are not described by one of the optspecs, one would use: `-A "-*"'. -C The option -C can be given to make _arguments modify the curcontext parameter when an action of the form `->state' is used. This parameter is used to keep track of the current context and in this case it (and not the parameter context as explained above) has to be made local to make sure that calling functions don't use the modified value. -O This flag takes one argument like `-O name'. The name will be taken as the name of an array and its elements will be given to functions called to generate matches when execut­ ing the actions. For example, this allows one to give options for the compadd builtin that should be used for all actions. -R The function returns with a non-zero return value if the cursor is not in a position where options can be completed or if the current word could not be completed to an option. But if the -R option is given to _arguments, the function will instead return with a return value of 300 (to make it distinguishable from other return values) after setting the global `context', `line' and `opt_args' parameters, and without resetting any changes made to the special parameters such as PREFIX and words. This enables wrapper functions around _arguments to be able to find out if they have to make sure that the special completion parameters are not reset when they return. -w Used with the"-s" flag to say that more option characters are to be expected even after an option that takes an argument. For example, if a command takes the options `a' and `b', where `a' takes an argument in the next word, _arguments would normally not complete the other option directly after `-a', but it would allow that if given the -w option. -s Option names represented by optname are normally taken to be multi-character names, and a word from the line is considered to contain only one option (or none). By giving the -s option to _arguments before the first spec, each optname is considered to be a single character and each word from the line may contain more than one such option letter. However, words beginning with two hyphens (like `--prefix') are still considered to contain only one option name. This allows the use of the `-s' option to describe single-letter options together with such long option names. The -s option can be combined with the "-w" or "-W" option. -W Similarly, the option -W may be given together with -s to force completion of sin­ gle-letter options even after options that get an argument in the same word. For exam­ ple, if a command takes the options `a' and `b', where `a' needs an argument in the same word, directly after the option character, _arguments would normally only execute the action for that argument and not offer other single-letter options as possible comple­ tions. If given the -W option, it will offer other options as possible completions after executing the action for the argument. Note that, depending on the action, this may mean that the other options can't really be completed, but at least they will be listed. For more control, use an utility function like _guard in the argument's action. -M The -M option followed by a string may be given before the first description. The string will be used as the match specification when completing option names and values instead of the default `r:|[_-]=* r:|=*'. -S With -S, no option will be completed after a `--' on the line and this argument will otherwise be ignored. freshen: only changed files delete entries in zipfile recurse into directories quiet operation add one-line comments use "path" for temp file path for temporary archive _files -/ read names from stdin fix zipfile try harder to fix zipfile adjust self-extracting exe test zipfile integrity store symbolic links as the link instead of the referenced file encrypt show help update: only changed or new files move into zipfile (delete files) allow growing existing zipfile junk: do not record directory names convert LF to CR LF convert CR LF to LF display license verbose operation/print version info add zipfile comment only do files after or at "mmddyyyy" mmddyyyy only do files before "mmddyyyy" mmddyyyy make zipfile as old as latest entry do not add directory entries junk zip file prefix (unzipsfx) eXclude eXtra file attributes specify suffixes of files not to be compressed suffixes ->suffixes -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 store only -0 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 compress faster -0 -1 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -0 -1 -2 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -0 -1 -2 -3 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -6 -7 -8 -9 -0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -7 -8 -9 -0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -8 -9 -0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -9 -0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 compress better exclude the following names include only the following names -f -d -R -q -c -b -@ -F -FF -A -T -y -e -h -u -m -g -j -l -ll -L -v -z -t -tt -o -D -J -X -n -0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 zip file _files -g '(#i)*.(zip|[jw]ar)' file ->files && return 0 C s -f -u -l -t -z -d extract files to pipe -p -u -l -t -z freshen existing files; create none -p -f -l -t -z update files; create if necessary -p -f -u -t -z -d list files -p -f -u -l -z -d test compressed archive data -p -f -u -l -t -d display archive comment -p -l -t -z specify directory to extract files to directory _files -/ -p -l -t -z -o never overwrite existing files -p -l -t -z -n overwrite files without prompting -p -l -t -z junk paths (don't make directories) match filenames case-insensitively -p -l -t -z restore UID/GID info quiet quieter -l -t -z auto-convert any text files -l -t -z treat all files as text verbose/display version info -p -z lowercase (some) filenames page output exclude the following names -p -f -u -l -t -z -n -o -j -C -X -q -qq -a -aa -v -L -M zip file _files -g '(#i)*.(zip|[jw]ar)' file ->files && return 0 C s -2 -s -m -l -v -h -t -T -z filenames only -1 -s -m -l -v -T just filenames but allow -h/-t/-z -1 -2 -m -l -v -h -t short format -1 -2 -s -l -v -h -t medium format -1 -2 -s -m -v -h -t long format -1 -2 -s -m -l -h -z verbose, multi-page format -1 -s -m -l -v print header line -1 -v print zipfile comment match filenames case-insensitively -1 -s -m -l print totals -1 -2 use sortable decimal format for file times page output exclude the following names -1 -2 -s -m -l -v -h -z -C -t -T -M zip file _files -g '(#i)*.(zip|[jw]ar)' file ->files && return 0 suffixes files